C. Michael Gibson MD Profile picture
Non-Profit Founder/Leader | ❤️ Doc | Artist Scientist Educator | News Anchor https://t.co/7OIKCgMVAT | RT ≠ endorse | Disclaimer: https://t.co/bwmE2O3U5W
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Feb 26, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
People with "Chronic fatigue sydrome" #CFS or #myeloencephalitis (ME) have distinct immune abnormalities
(a thread) scientificamerican.com/article/people… In their blood, the killer T cells, which normally target infected cells for destruction, had reduced levels of a protein called CD226 that would otherwise boost their proliferation and activity.
Dec 29, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
I’m starting in on a portrait of this prominent cardiologist

Can anyone name them?

#cmgsees Image Added the background in. This allows you to better balance the values (brightness and contrast) in the whole painting Image
Mar 25, 2021 23 tweets 4 min read
How can there be disagreement between groups about the effectiveness of a drug in an interim analysis? I have NO specific information about the AZ analysis, but let me make some GENERAL comments (thread) The timing of an interim analysis is often pre-specified (planned in advance) so that the date cannot be “cherry picked” to “make the results look good”. In this case it was pre-specified that events that occurred through February 17th would count.
Mar 23, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read

In the era of widely available lipid-lowering therapies, plaque erosion instead of plaque rupture may account for an increasing proportion of ACS.

Stenting may not be needed for management of erosion-induced ACS. ja.ma/3cbQPZC Here is the data supporting medical management as opposed to stenting in the patient with plaque erosion ja.ma/3lLnjNI
Jan 16, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Stop tweeting

Start vaccinating

Heading out to vaccinate “people” in Rhode Island today

It may not be a big stadium, it may only be a VFW, it may only be 450 little shots, but these “people” are somebody’s world ... let’s give their community a big shot in the arm
#cmgsays The COVID vaccination is an intramuscular injection. It is NOT a subcutaneous injection. To give a #COVID19 IM injection DO NOT pinch the skin & Do NOT angle the needle at 45 degrees. This will cause the injection to go into the subcutaneous fat rather than the deltoid muscle.
Nov 13, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
Many have become numb to pandemic statistics

Healthcare workers, though, must face the reality that there are now MORE PATIENTS HOSPITALIZED THAN AT ANY TIME in 2020, 40% more than 2 weeks ago

Some are working 36 hrs straight

The 3rd wave may break us

theatlantic.com/health/archive… "They require twice as much attention as a typical intensive-care unit patient, for three times the normal length of stay. “It was doable over the summer, but now it’s just too much,”
Nov 12, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Tyra and Gracie G are bonding quite well!

I live a blessed life 🙏 I’m overwhelmed by the Divadom around here now 🤣
Nov 9, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
#Covid19 vaccine: Pfizer says drug more than 90% effective in preventing infection cnbc.com/2020/11/09/cov… The analysis evaluated 94 confirmed Covid-19 infections among 43,538 participants.

The vaccine efficacy rate was above 90% at seven days after the second dose.

This is far above the 50% rate required by the FDA.
Sep 9, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Breaking: Astra Zeneca halts vaccine trial for safety review due to a serious adverse event. Anonymous source ⁩says volunteer developed transverse myelitis, an inflammatory syndrome that affects the spinal cord and is often sparked by viral infection. nytimes.com/2020/09/08/wor… The Duration of the safety review is unknown.

The Relationship of the case of transverse myelitis to the vaccine is unknown.
Aug 16, 2020 20 tweets 7 min read
#easylikeSundaymorning restoring this badly damaged 300 year old painting from the UK.

There are tears and holes in the canvas and missing paint.

Art restoration brings together my love of restoring things to vitality, painting, science and woodworking / cabinetry making. ImageImageImageImage I started by patching the tears & holes by using archival acid free glue to add new linen canvas to the back of the painting. ImageImage
Jul 27, 2020 20 tweets 5 min read
I have questions:

1. The follow-up is 2 years after the 2cd dose in the Moderna trial. You cannot enroll if you plan to get another vaccine.

If I get randomized to placebo, & the drug gets approved, will the blind be broken at that time & will I be told I got placebo? 2. Is it ethical to have 15,000 people who were enrolled but received placebo, and don't know that they were randomized to inactive placebo in the context of this and other vaccines being approved?

If they knew, they could elect to get an active vaccine.
Jul 18, 2020 16 tweets 6 min read
Text message from friend in California:

“Could you do a large abstract painting / splatter to match my horse and the colors in my living room”

Me: “It is 90 degrees out & perfect weather to do a splatter painting which allows the layers to dry quickly. I’ll start immediately!” The first thing we need to do is cover up that sterile soul less white canvas.

Let’s quickly throw down some acrylic paint which dries really quick and allows us to lay down lots of layers ...
Jul 17, 2020 12 tweets 5 min read
Take 1 or 2 minutes to read about the differences between



T Cells

cancercenter.com/community/blog… Your first line of defense is called "innate immunity".

You were born with this.

This immune "army" attacks infections that you have never been exposed to.

This is your first line of defense.
May 22, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
Why we might not get a coronavirus vaccine | The Guardian theguardian.com/world/2020/may… The Dengue fever virus was discovered in 1943 and it was not until last year that the first vaccine was approved

30 years after scientists isolated HIV, there is no vaccine
May 5, 2020 16 tweets 6 min read

Provocative @Circulation article regarding the underlying cause of " #happyhypoxia " associated with #CoronaVirus where people have very low levels of oxygen but don't feel as short of breath like they usually would 1/n

ahajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.116… @circulation The job of the lung is to transfer oxygen into the blood so that those oxygen rich red blood cells can deliver oxygen to the rest of your body.

If there is little or no oxygen in a part of your lung, would you want blood flowing to that part of the lung to pick up oxygen?

Apr 15, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read

If you were designing the perfect virus what characteristics would it have?

1. Spread frequently by people who look healthy

2. Long latent period for pre-asymptomatic spread

3. It’s Airborne including potential aerosolized spread, & viable in air for hours

4. Causes cytokine storm that attacks human tissue and is unpredictable with respect to identifying who is vulnerable to this

5. Infects people of all ages, including higher rates in the young (albeit with a poorer prognosis in the elderly/ high risk)

2 / n
Apr 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
This article has major implications for case fatality rates (CFR) in #coronavirus

Currently CFR = deaths / 1.9% of ppl who test +

Now CFR = deaths / 1.9% + 13.5% of ppl

1.9 + 13.5 / 1.9 = 8.1x ⬆️ denominator meaning the true CFR is 8.1 times ⬇️ &CFR<1
nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.105… Let me say that more simply:

There are probably 8 times as many or more people walking around with the #coronavirus infection than we thought.

The risk of death is also 8 times or more LESS likely than we thought and probably under 1%.