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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Dec 29, 2021, 9 tweets

Happy birthday Marianne Faithfull! 🎂
📷 Ebet Roberts, 1980
"She can find the Weimar Berlin decadence in Dylan, or breathe William Blake’s macabre into a Metallica song."
- Lindsay Zoladz

Terry O'Neill
Marianne Faithfull, Oxfordshire, 1969

Marianne Faithfull by Bruce Weber
Kate Moss applauds, Lucie de la Falaise cheers, her feet off the ground
Adirondack Park, New York, 1997

My favourite photograph of Marianne Faithfull, shot by @GeredMankowitz at The Salisbury pub in London, 1964

I love this! @emilie_sandy's shot of @GeredMankowitz in the same pub - the Salisbury on St. Martin's Lane - where he took his classic photo of Marianne Faithfull for her 1965 album Come My Way.

Another shot of Marianne Faithfull by @GeredMankowitz, 1967

Happy birthday Marianne Faithfull 🎂
📷 Alex Majoli, Cannes, 2006

Marianne Faithfull by David Redfern, 1973

I have very fond memories of seeing Tony Richardson's film of Hamlet, with Nicol Williamson & Marianne Faithfull, in 1969.
"From the author of 'Romeo and Juliet'."
Gotta say it: LOL! And I *never* say LOL!

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