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Dec 30, 2021, 18 tweets

Smoke plume is visible in ⁦@broomfield⁩ due to multiple fires in Boulder County. Also can smell smoke. No active fires in Broomfield at this time. Please only call 911 if you see flames, dispatchers are being overwhelmed with calls about the smoke.⁦⁦@NMFirePIO

Due to the fires in Boulder County, the @BldrCOSheriff has asked us to close all lanes of WB US-36. Traffic is being re-routed at the Interlocken exit. @boulderpolice @NMFirePIO @broomfield

Due to the amount of road closures and officers being used to assist, we are now on accident alert. Please see the following on how to proceed if involved in a minor traffic accident or crash. @broomfield @NMFirePIO

Another view of the fire from @broomfield. Do not travel to Boulder at this time! Many roads are closed! This is a rapidly changing situation. @boulderpolice @NMFirePIO

EB US-36 is NOT closed at this time. Residents of Superior are evacuating. All lanes of WB remain closed at the Interlocken exit. @broomfield

Broomfield residents DO NOT need to evacuate. We are also NOT on pre-evacuation orders at this time. We have opened the Emergency Operations Center and are watching the situation closely. @broomfield @NMFirePIO

If you haven't registered for CodeRED...this is a good time to do so. By registering you will receive important information that may affect your neighborhood. @broomfield @NMFirePIO

If you have a respiratory illness or breathing issue stay inside. The smoke has blanketed much of @broomfield. Keep windows closed. @NMFirePIO

UPDATE: CLOSED US 36 in both directions from Interlocken Loop to Baseline Rd in both directions from Nebo Rd to CO 66 closed due to fire activity, no estimated time of reopening. @broomfield @boulderpolice

The Flatirons Mall is closing to ease traffic in the area and allow for emergency response teams and vehicles to stage in the parking lot. The fire is NOT threatening the mall at this time. NO EVACUATION ORDERS are in place. @broomfield @NMFirePIO

Pre-evacuation orders are in place for residents at the Caliber at Flatirons Apartments, Retreat at Flatirons Apts, Terracina of Broomfield Apts, Vantage Point Apts, Holiday Inn Express, and the Hyatt House in Broomfield. See the boundary below in yellow. 👇 @broomfield

Gather essentials like prescriptions, medical supplies, pet supplies, important papers, and alert neighbors. @broomfield

This photo was taken by one of our patrol officers in the parking lot of the Panda Express in Superior. Near Target. This area has been evacuated.

We have opened a shelter at the First Bank Center located at 11450 Broomfield Ln in @broomfield. Residents who've evacuated nearby Louisville, Boulder, Superior, etc may head that way. Broomfield still does NOT have any MANDATORY evacuation orders in place.

To reiterate...@broomfield does NOT have any mandatory evacuation orders in place. One area, the Via Varra Neighborhood, is under pre-evacuation orders.

This photo was taken by one of our patrol officers on Hwy 128 looking east...north of Rocky Flats. @broomfield #MiddleForkFire #MarshallFire

A MANDATORY evacuation order is now in place for everyone South of US-36 to 112th and West of Wadsworth. This includes the Interlocken area. If you live in that area leave immediately. There is a threat to your safety. If you need help evacuating call 911 immediately.

The Skystone neighborhood is now on pre-evacuation orders. Gather essentials like prescriptions, medical supplies, pet supplies, important papers, and alert neighbors.

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