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Dec 31, 2021, 10 tweets

[Thread] 1. Will @HealthZA achieve its latest #VaccineRollOutSA goal by the end of 2021 (today)?


What's the goal?
Vaccinating 70% of people of 50+ with 1 shot of #Pfizer or #JnJ by midnight, 31 Dec 2021.

Where are we at? 64.08% (so 5.92% short of the 70% goal)

2. Is 64.08% of people of 50+ vaccinated the final figure for 2021?

No, we'll get the vax figures for today (31 Dec) tonight.

But it's unlikely to make much of a difference to the overall %, as we're currently doing fewer than 50,000 doses per day.

3. What's the breakdown for the different 50+ age groups (for 1 jab per person)?

60+: 66.08% (we've covered 3.6 mil out of a 60+) population of 5.5 mil)
50-59: 61.78% (we've covered 2.9 mil out of a 50-59 population of 4.8 mil)

4. How many people of 50+ does SA have?
10,322,753 (@HealthZA uses 2020 Stats SA figures)

How many people of 50+ have we vaxxed?

How many more people of 50+ do we need to vax to have 70% covered with 1 jab?
7,225,927 (70%) - 6,614,395 = 611,532 (5.92% short of 70%)

5. Did more women than men get vaxxed?
Yes, in numbers, because SA has more women than men in this age group. But proportion-wise, more men of 50+ than women of 50+ got vaxxed:
1. Women: 63.64% got vaxxed
2. Men: 64.7% got vaxxed

6. Did any of SA's provinces make the 70% goal (people vaxxed with ONE shot)?

Yes. 3 provinces made the goal:
1. Limpopo: 75.72%
2. Free State: 70.36%
3. Eastern Cape: 70.08%

Fun fact: All 3 provinces who made the goal are RURAL provinces.

7. What % of SA adults (people of 18+) have been FULLY vaxxed (so 1 #JnJ jab or 2 #Pfizer jabs):

Which province has the highest % of adults FULLY vaxxed?
Free State (47.85%)

8. How are the different age groups doing with FULL vaccinations?
1. 60+ = highest proportion of people fully vaxxed (59.12%)
2. 18-34 years = lowest % of people fully vaxxed (25.07%)

9. What's happening with booster shots? @HealthZA doesn't yet reflect the data on its dashboard (the "booster" doses on slide 6 = incorrectly labeled, those = nrs for extra doses for immunocompromised people; #Sisonke #JnJ boosters = 232,740).

10. Where does all this info from from? @HealthZA's dashboard. Find it here: sacoronavirus.co.za/latest-vaccine…

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