John Roberts Profile picture
Actuary for far too many years. Welsh, but now live in the spiritual home of the Wurzels out west. Don’t think I’ve got the accent yet. Like zider though...

Dec 31, 2021, 6 tweets

An abbreviated ONS Infection Study update, shows the dramatic increase seen just before Xmas.

E is about 40% higher than the devolved administrations, which is likely to be partly due to the high prevalence in London.

Data are for week ending 23rd Dec.


Note that, as usual, the figures are the average over the week. We usually have the daily time series to determine the latest date (likely to be higher during rapid growth), but they're not available this week.

It's estimated that over 2m people in E were infected.


The continued rise in Omicron is charted here. Remember this is overall infections, not just new incidences, so will lag the incidence data which shows Omicron even more dominant now.


Regional split here, showing London well ahead. Note this is lower than I showed from last week's data, as again it's an average for the week, rather than the previous end point of the 19th.


Age split here, looking more balanced than we've recently seen. Fortunately the oldest age groups are still relatively low at this point.

Report here:…


Less data than usual this week, due to the Xmas break, but good that we've got an update, and thanks to all involved at ONS and partner organisations for ensuring continuity of data given the very high growth levels we're currently seeing. Happy New Year to all involved!

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