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#BIDENHARRIS2024 Women's Rights Are Human Rights She/Her 4/20 #NoHumanIsIllegal #FakeAssassinationAttempt #BLM #GunReform #LGBTQAlly #EndAsianHate - No lists

Dec 31, 2021, 14 tweets

Can anyone explain why ANY veteran would vote for 45? He calls them 'losers/suckers', was court-ordered to return the 2 million he stole from them, stockpiled their masks, tried to shutter Stars and Stripes AND he represents a different country other than the one he resides in.

I'll BET that if Rachel Maddow didn't make a huge stink it would be GONE.

What's the catch?

Read it and weep. He stole from the very same people who protect him.

What's so great about that?!🙄

Thanks for serving your country. You've been abandoned.

WAKE UP. America doesn't work for PUTIN as the GOP are aiming for. Gaetz even bet on Putin over Biden.

45 threw AMERICANS out of the AMERICAN OVAL OFFICE and replaced them with the RUSSIANS for the entire world to see and they vote for him?

Really? You protect America and you stand for THIS?

Vets deserve RESPECT. 45 disrespects everything they've done for America

They actually did the same thing to the Capitol police who rescued them. Not only did they refuse to shake their hands, they said that it never happened.

Reference 1

(Russian Ron Johnson said he saw grandmas taking selfies, that day)

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