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TV science writer who campaigns against puberty blockers. Trans identified males are men. Subscribe:

Dec 31, 2021, 8 tweets

1./ A reminder not every "COVID expert" is a genius. Here's @SusanMichie backing Nicola Sturgeon's refusal to shorten the COVID isolation period. But isn't Michie a psychologist not a virologist? As for her own pandemic record it's hardly been stellar.…

2./ On the 13th March 2020 as one expert warned "Every day of delay will kill. Close close down schools and events now', Michie told @BBCNewsnight it would be pointless to make mass sporting events non-spectator. People would gather in the pub to watch them instead. Ok Einstein.

3./ When it's pointed out Sturgeon has banned more than 500 people attending gatherings or sporting events, Michie insists "no one has the right answer". Above all, English people should trust their own Chief Medical Officer, and Chief Scientist. So why not trust them now?

4./ As for how the biggest pandemic in a century has changed her own lifestyle, Michie explains she's now stopped touching her face and washes her hands more often when entering offices. Oh and wait for this: she now carries tissues. Wow. No facemask? No staying at home? No clue.

5./ Michie is a huge supporter of China's Communist regime. Maybe that explains her apparent willingness to rewrite history. Here's the Zero Covid Campaign claiming she supported lockdown since March 2020, the same month of that Newsnight where she appeared to say the opposite.👇

6./ At that same Zero Covid online event she blamed the Tories for 100000 deaths. But since the Tories locked down just 10 days after her interview defending not locking down isn't she being a tad hypcritical? Maybe her fervent support for Corbyn explains her skewed judgement.👇

7./ Once Comrade Susan had reinvented herself she dares to express her own instinctive communist-supporting authoritarianism. When asked on Channel 5 News how long COVID rules and restrictions might have to last...she really did plump for ...forever (at 0.26).

8./ The fact Susan Michie prefers Sturgeon's approach to isolation means you can be almost sure the policy is a wrong-headed piece of posturing. Lots of other countries are already following England's lead; ones that don't put point-scoring above outcomes.…

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