Malcolm Clark Profile picture
TV science writer who campaigns against puberty blockers. Trans identified males are men. Subscribe:
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Jul 21 7 tweets 3 min read
1./ The LGBTQ+ Lobby Can't Stop Lying
@HadleyFreeman skewers the refusal of self-righteous activists to admit they were wrong on puberty blockers. Sadly the LGBTQ+ lobby has a pathological aversion to the truth. It is lying about about suicide rates. And who can forget monkeypox? 2./ @benryanwriter was one of the first pundits to reveal the truth about monkeypox: it was circulating almost exclusively among gay men. He was trolled for his efforts. So was @AllianceLGB when, a month before, it went out on a limb to warn gay men. 👉
Jul 14 5 tweets 2 min read
1./ Ru Paul's Child Harm
2 months ago a performer on @RuPaulsDragRace celebrated the removal of her healthy breasts. Next week the Teletubbies, a pre-school children's favourite, perform live at the Drag Race Convention in LA. Tickets are free for under 8s. Why does this matter?
2./ It's bad enough that stands will be selling fetish gear and sex toys. 2 years ago this idiot mother took her kids to @RuPaulsDragCon and trilled about kids including toddlers performing drag "while queer adults cheered them on." Why is this a problem?…
Jul 5 13 tweets 5 min read
1./ Single Sex Spaces. A Crash Course.
If the new Labour government wants a reminder of why single sex spaces matter and why the trans lobby is not the moderate voice some of its MPs think, let me remind them of a scandal that crystallised these issues from just 3 years ago.
1/13 2./ In June 2021 a bloke showed off his erect penis in the women's changing rooms at a spa in LA. A woman complained but WiSpa staff didn't take her complaints seriously. The story went viral. Guess what happened next? Trans allies jumped to the defence of ...the sex offender. Image
Jul 5 7 tweets 2 min read
1./ True story.
The last time John Nicolson lost an election in 2017 I met him at a mutual friend’s for drinks. Just me, him and Juliano and our good friend. As the booze flowed John became ever more intemperate, spluttering about his latest obsession. It wasn’t “trans joy”. Image 2./ He rehearsed dark fantasies about “that woman” who beat him in East Dunbartonshire. The conspiracy theories piled on top of each other. Jo Swinson had lied, cheated, broken rules he claimed. She was homophobic and so were her party. 😳His misogyny was palpable. Why so sore?
Jun 22 6 tweets 3 min read
1./ Pride and Shame. Every time I go to a Pride like Palermo’s, I love seeing people enjoying a Carnival type experience. I don’t care particularly if it was led by two old “granny” trans. Would they let two GC lesbians lead it? Course not. There’s an even bigger problem tho.👉 2./ Pride like everything LGBTQ+ is infiltrated by ideology driven, boundary-breaking Queer Theory madness. And so the worst thing about the BDSM truck isn’t the egregious arse exhibitionism. It’s the red sign on the front of the truck that says No to Specismo. What’s that then?
Jun 15 9 tweets 4 min read
1./ Nicola Sturgeon and Dodgy Men
Did Sturgeon actively enable sexual predators? She might as well have. Her Equalities Officer (!) blackmailed young men he sexually assaulted and threatened to beat the fxxk out of 'Terfs'. She turned a blind eye to plenty of other dodgy men.👉 Image 2./ Derek Mackay said Sturgeon banned him from drinking at SNP Conferences, allegedly because he got so handsy with young men. She didn't stop him inviting schoolboys to Parliament. Nor going on school visits, which he said were, "the favourite part of my job". I bet they were.Image
Jun 13 11 tweets 4 min read
1./ The Madness of the Imaginary Penis
Should we be surprised the woman who killed three 9 year old children and 3 teachers because they were Christian has been revealed by @realDailyWire to have kept a journal about her imaginary penis? No. Here's why.👉… 2./ Fetishist AGP men rightly receive criticism but women who fantasise about having a dick and even get a fake one sewn on, have also been key drivers of the trans lobby. Robert Stoller who coined the term 'gender identity' studied a woman who dreamt of her "penis". Image
May 25 9 tweets 4 min read
1./ Why ARE they so interested in children?
In my latest article I explore a worrying link between the trans movement and the so-called "bodily autonomy" lobby. To read the essay click on the link on my X bio. At the heart of the story is a man called Gregg Furth. Who he?👉 Image 2./ Furth was featured in a BBC Horizon 24 years ago about apotemnophiles (people who want to remove their healthy limbs). What the show did not reveal was that Furth had a powerful sexual fetish for amputation. Here he is complaining when the NHS refused to chop off his leg.
May 20 27 tweets 9 min read
1./ Join us for a shocking story exploring the roots of transgenderism.
On Tuesday I'll be discussing the link between wannabe amputees and trans, with @genspect and @_CryMiaRiver. I'll talk about when I realised trans ideology was nuts 24 years ago when working on a TV show.👉 2./ I was asked by the BBC to film a German man called Hans Schaub who wanted to have his healthy leg removed. A surgeon, Robert Smith, had agreed to amputate his and another man's leg. This was the jaw-dropping opening in which Corinne said she needed her two legs removed. 🤦
May 8 12 tweets 4 min read
1./ A Dirty Secret of #TransHistoryWeek
This shameless rewriting of history at least provides an insight into the warped values of the trans lobby. Here's Stephen Whittle celebrating a documentary about transsexuals from 1973. What didn't she tell you about that show?
1 of/12 Image 2./ The loopy Left wants to decolonise everything. It could start by recognising the bigotry baked into the foundations of the trans movement. We're told black men like Marsha P Johnson kickstarted its rise. Instead this TV show reveals the sordid truth.
May 3 7 tweets 3 min read
1./ The Truth about Daniel Radcliffe.
He claims to be sad about the rift between him and JK Rowling over what he describes as trans rights. Truth is he refuses to consider the harm he does by promoting the notion of gender identity. Who is harmed? 👉
1/7… 2./ This straight bloke showcases his self-professed moral superiority by claiming to "support the rights of all LGBTQ people". Actually he is acting -intentionally or not- as a shill for Big Pharma by advocating puberty blockers; drugs NHS England have effectively banned.Image
May 1 21 tweets 7 min read
1./ Here's why I think this article about Kate Forbes is a disgrace. @KennyFarq attacks the likely candidate for First Minister because of her Christian faith. He has the cheek to use gay rights to defend his argument but hypocrisy and misogyny are really driving it.
1 of/ 21 Image 2./ Start with the hypocrisy. Farquarson hones in on the fact Forbes said she would have voted against gay marriage in 2014. He fails to note that Yousaf was strangely absent from the vote. Colleagues claimed this was because of pressure from his mosque.…
Apr 17 18 tweets 6 min read
1./ How did this scandal happen?
How did an 8 year old girl in this clip from @libsoftiktok end up injected with a drug invented to treat prostate cancer in old men? Let me tell you how fake science turned her hospital in Boston into a Ground Zero of this medical disaster.
1/18 2. The girl was treated at the Gender Management Service (GeMS) Clinic at Boston Children's Hospital. The clinic was founded in 2007 by Norman Spack, an endocrinologist, or hormone specialist. He was on a hormone mission ever since witnessing a trial in Holland a few years before Image
Apr 16 12 tweets 4 min read
1./ The SNP, Misogyny and Helena Kennedy
3 years ago I said it was inevitable the SNP would make a hash of their Misogyny Bill and include men (transwomen) in their proposed law. The reason? Helena Kennedy is immersed in trans ideology. The evidence? 👉… 2./ In a thread then I showed how Kennedy lavished praise in a series of LGBT+ events on Roz Kaveney, Peter Tatchell and other trans rights fanatics such as Naomi Wolf. Kennedy described Wolf as a good friend. How close a friend soon became clear. 👉
Apr 13 15 tweets 5 min read
1./ Ruth Hunt is a Bit of a Cult.
You have to hand it to Stonewall's ex-CEO, Ruth Hunt. She really knows how to lie. In her interview she claims Stonewall merely "listened to the experts" and cites one in particular. Why is this a lie?
1/of 15 👉… 2./ Hunt names Polly Carmichael from the Tavistock. But for all her faults, Carmichael actually said of prescribing puberty blockers, "it would be disingenuous to say it is fully reversible." Yet Stonewall even today maintains blockers are reversible.…Image
Apr 12 15 tweets 4 min read
1./ The Biggest Lie About the Cass Report
This video is just one source that claims the trans lobby has long supported the holistic mental health approach that Cass now recommends. This is a lie. Let me tell you the real story of the trans lobby's attitude to mental health. 2./ 25 years ago the trans lobby began a campaign to dilute and remove references to mental health in trans healthcare. A particular target was the Standards of Care of the global trans healthcare organisation WPATH and its predecessor HBIGDA. Why did trans activists do this?
Apr 11 13 tweets 4 min read
1. The Biggest Idiot?
Many foolish politicians enabled the harm to vulnerable children which the Cass Review has now exposed. None did so with the enthusiasm of John Nicolson MP who went to court to back Mermaids, the child-harming charity that promoted puberty blockers.
1 of 13 Image 2./ Nicolson appeared as a witness when Mermaids tried to have the charitable status of @AllianceLGB removed. This despite the fact that one of the Trustees of Mermaids at the time, Jacob Breslow, published a book and spoke at a pro-paedophile conference.…
Apr 7 7 tweets 3 min read
1./ Why do LGB oppose TQ+
Why do lesbians and their gay male brothers get upset by the sort of LGBTQ+ placards on show in Edinburgh urging lesbians to "love dick"? It's just the latest example of the trans lobby's open contempt for homosexuality.
1/ of 7
2./ The core idea at the heart of the modern trans project is summed up here by a trans activist at Brighton Pride: "if gender is on a spectrum then homosexuality doesn't really exist". This argument made it into a tax-payer funded film celebrating 50 years of Pride. 🤦‍♂️
Apr 2 11 tweets 4 min read
1./ An LGBTQ+ Reckoning
If you want a defining moment in the story of the self-destruction of what was once the gay rights movement this is as good as any. @TheAdvocateMag showcases a mentally deluded and ghoulish man who thinks he’s a woman. Who he?👉… 2./ “Rachel” Levine has spoken about how glad he is he waited to be sterilised because he was able to have kids. Yet as a top health official in the Biden regime this mini-me Mengele promotes drugs that lead to the sterilisation of teenagers. They’ll never be able to be parents. Image
Mar 22 7 tweets 3 min read
1./ Who predicted the excesses of the trans movement most accurately? In Mr Garrison's Fancy New Vagina from 2005 South Park depicted a self-loathing teacher who believes he's a woman. When his gay partner rejects his "vagina" Garrison explodes in homophobia. A Willoughby moment? 2./ When Kyle's father confronts the proselytising surgeon Mr Biber who has tried to gaslight his son, Biber offers him the prospect of a dream become what he'd always wanted to be :a dolphin. How is that any more mad than trying to change sex? Spoiler: it ain't.
Mar 21 9 tweets 4 min read
1./ Should we fear the Hate Crime Bill? You betya.
Listen to this SNP bozo defending it on @BBCNewsnight last night. The moron claims hate crime is wreaking havoc across Scotland. Spoiler: it really isn't. The law is actually an attempt to enforce the SNP's demented ideology.👇 2./ You know the party is embarrassed by the Hate Crime Bill when they have to dredge up Fulton MacGregor MSP to defend it. Here he admits there could be multiple complaints against @jk_rowling and they'd all have to be investigated. Did the SNP think this through? Of course not.