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The Consent Factory is one of those creepy half-think tank/half-consulting operations that probably has its nasty little fingers into everything.

Jan 1, 2022, 7 tweets

In 2022, a lot of people, for a lot of different reasons, are going to try to convince you that the 2020 - 2021 Covid narrative was true but the Omicron narrative is false. It's an old trick, 'debunking' Narrative B to reify Narrative A ... and it is all part of the same Big Lie.

Covid propagandists like Fauci are going to pretend that the manipulation of "Covid deaths" and "hospitalization" statistics is new, and only applies to Omicron ... but the statistics have been manipulated from March 2020.

The falsification and manipulation of "Covid deaths," "hospitalizations," and "cases" definitions/statistics has been going on from Day One. It is being admitted now in connection with Omicron as a limited hangout. Here's documentation from April 2020 ...…

April 2020. An advisor to Italy’s health minister ...…

April 2020. Germany ...

April 2020. The UK ...

April 2020. The USA ...

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