Consent Factory Profile picture
The Consent Factory is one of those creepy half-think tank/half-consulting operations that probably has its nasty little fingers into everything.
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Aug 11, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Have you noted how the coverage of the #TwitterFiles and #FacebookFiles is focused on the US government (i.e., not on European and other governments), despite the fact that the Internet censorship was and still is an international operation? Have you wondered why that is? (1) Despite the fact that the Censorship Industrial Complex is an ongoing international operation, we are being fed a "red/blue" USA-centered narrative. Cui bono? (2)
Feb 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
We hate to keep referring to that scene in 1984 where the Party switches official enemies right in the middle of the Hate-Week celebration and everyone just goes on shouting slogans as if nothing had changed, but ... ImageImage A classic from 2021 ... Image
Jan 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
For those trying to understand how the last three years could have happened without "everyone being in on it," there are a few key tweets in @mtaibbi's latest report that show how it works. First, Roth wants to confront the spooks running the PSYOP ... (1)
Future White House/NSC spokesperson Emily Horne says “we have to be careful how much we push back on ASD ...” No one needed to instruct her to do this. She knew what to do. If she didn't, she wouldn't have been in her position as Head of Global Comms. (2)
Jan 8, 2023 6 tweets 6 min read
Who better than @AlexBerenson, a member of "the big club," who settled with Twitter for an undisclosed sum, to conduct the next phase of the #Covid #TwitterFiles #LimitedHangout? This should put an end to all those "wild conspiracy theories" about the so-called "Great Reset"! (1) Image Seriously, if you needed a "Team Reality" journalist to do the next phase of the #Covid #TwitterFiles limited hangout, who better than Alex, who believes that the rollout of the New Normal was an accident caused by "the pandemic-warning machine"? (2)… Image
Dec 27, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
The #Covid #TwitterFiles Limited Hangout has begun! Note how @ggreenwald and @davidzweig deftly reify the official COVID narrative as they expose the "bad apples" at Twitter and in the government. This is how you do a limited hangout, kids! (1)… The way this limited hangout works is, the global PSYOP (i.e., the rollout of the New Normal) is disappeared, and the "story" becomes the censorship of the "opinions" of "credentialed experts" that turned out to be "correct" in the "debate" about the "devastating pandemic." (2)
Dec 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
It was not a "debate." It was (and remains) the Mother of All Mass-PSYOPS, and this limited hangout is part of the final phase of it ... they even got a writer for The Atlantic to spoon-feed it to you! Students of propaganda and PSYOPS may want to pay close attention to the repetition of words like "debate," "disagree," etc., as this limited hangout proceeds, and note how the framing of the hangout reifies the official narrative (and disappears the PSYOP). Image
Dec 3, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
Whether @elonmusk and @mtaibbi realize it yet (and we suspect at least Matt does), they are now committed to releasing more documentation of the inner workings of the Twitter Censorship Machine, including in regard to the official Covid narrative. If not, it's a limited hangout. (2) The real (i.e., larger) story is government/corporate censorship and manipulation of facts and legal speech (the laptop story is just one example). If @elonmusk does not release documentation of censorship of other stories (i.e., Covid, Russia, etc.), it's a limited hangout.
Nov 29, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
"It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest." - Harold Pinter ImageImageImageImage "It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest." - Harold Pinter ImageImageImage
Nov 28, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
The German government suspended the constitution, banned anti-lockdown protests (not other protests), attacked dissidents with batons, water canons, etc., censored us, called us "idiots," "deniers," "far-right extremists," etc., and now this from this asshole ... Now that New Normal Germany has officially begun its Goebbelsian gaslighting and memory-holing campaign, we thought a little historical thread from our archives might be in order. We begin in September 2020 ...…
Oct 12, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
In New Normal Germany, it's déjà vu all over again ... Image And, right on cue, New Normal Berlin is preparing to order everyone to wear medical-looking masks again to display their allegiance to the New Normal Reich.…
Mar 27, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
The @Twitter Corporation's attempts to restrict access to our content and defame our boss are getting funnier and funnier ... or they would be, if they weren't clumsy, defamatory tactics meant to suppress political speech. Image We're confused. According to @Twitter, interviews with our boss, and his other tweets, are now "age-restricted adult content," but his columns are only restricted for being "sensitive." Could someone at @TwitterSupport attempt to explain that? Our staff could use a good laugh. Image
Mar 18, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Meanwhile, in New Normal Germany, government officials are shrieking about a final solution to the "Unvaccinated Question," and media outlets are explaining how Nazis in the Ukraine are "a myth." Seriously, there should be some kind of "Outstanding Fascist Propaganda" award for German media people like @Matthias_Kamann of @welt, a mini-statuette of Goebbels, perhaps, for describing fascism in Ukraine as "a myth." See, e.g., this recent Ukrainian TV news broadcast ...
Mar 17, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Yes, the parliament of New Normal Germany is actually debating whether to become the only country on earth to order forced "vaccination" of the general population, as if that wasn't totally fascistic, not to mention batshit crazy. Image The campaign for forced "vaccination" in Germany is being led by New Normal Germany's fanatical Health Minister @Karl_Lauterbach, who today in parliament shrieked that "we have to be prepared for the Fall or the country could be taken hostage by anti-vaxxers!" Image
Mar 15, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
We couldn't believe this was real at first, but it seems this is an actual broadcast from an actual TV channel in #Ukraine ... Our in-house fact-checker is still hoping this is some sort of elaborate hoax, but it appears to be an actual broadcast by an actual Ukrainian TV news outlet ...…
Feb 8, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Here's the latest @BenjaminNorton propaganda. He's counting on people not actually reading the pieces he is using to smear the truckers/protestors as "far-right extremists." Let's have a look ... (1 of 6) In the Passage piece Ben tweets (above) to attempt to appear to support his smearing of the trucker protest, here's the money paragraph. Note the two pink links. (2 of 6) Image
Feb 3, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Can anyone send us photos of the hordes of "swastika-flag-flying" Canadian truckers the corporate media are reporting? We looked, but all we could find are photos like this. #TruckersForFreedom #CanadaConvoy We looked around a bit more, but we couldn't find any photos of the hordes of "swastika-flag-flying truckers" the media have reported. We did find this video of one obvious agent-provocateur holding a Confederate flag.
Feb 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The mood turns ugly in New Normal Germany's Covid Bunker as word arrives that neighboring Denmark has canceled all Covid restrictions ... Image Yes, the mood in New Normal Germany's Covid Bunker is getting uglier and uglier as more and more European countries start to scale back their Covid restrictions ... Image
Jan 13, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
For 18 months, fascist politicians like Norbert Walter-Borjans @NowaboFM and the majority of the media have been demonizing millions of German citizens as "far-right extremists" because they refuse to conform to the new official ideology ... Joseph Goebbels would be so proud! Here are some photos of people demanding the return of their constitutional rights in Germany ... people that fascist propagandists like Norbert @NowaboFM want you to believe are "far-right extremists." Have a look.
Jan 9, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
You can trust the CDC from now on, folks ... after all, they just confessed that they've been lying to you for 21 months! #LimitedHangout Italy, April 2020 ...… Image
Jan 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This is the 'New Normal' that the global-capitalist ruling classes told us was coming back in March 2020. Do you get it yet, or do you still believe this is just about a virus? If you want a vision of the (New Normal) future ... etc. We're pretty sure you know the rest of the 1984 quote.
Jan 1, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
In 2022, a lot of people, for a lot of different reasons, are going to try to convince you that the 2020 - 2021 Covid narrative was true but the Omicron narrative is false. It's an old trick, 'debunking' Narrative B to reify Narrative A ... and it is all part of the same Big Lie. Covid propagandists like Fauci are going to pretend that the manipulation of "Covid deaths" and "hospitalization" statistics is new, and only applies to Omicron ... but the statistics have been manipulated from March 2020.