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Jan 1, 2022, 11 tweets

Herts police ....the story so far

Have been promoting their special constables including Cherry seen here with sparkly green nails, jewellery and an unusual amount of makeup for a police officer

I posted about it with a link to their uniform policy

Herts police deleted the original post as can be seen here

I also posted this one. Red nails. Even more alarming amount of make up

Discussion ensued - some serious, some funny, but all with the same basic point: does Herts police allow some of its officers to break some of the rules some of the time?

Herts police responded that derogatory comments will not be tolerated and will be deleted

I posted that Herts police can't actually delete people's tweets ...🙄

They deleted their tweet

Herts police replaced the tweet with with one saying derogatory tweets will be reported (to whom..? 🤷‍♀️)

More discussion ensued. Including @WeAreFairCop reminding then about the recent judgment in Miller v College of Police

Herts Police deleted that tweet

- What is HP culture of safeguarding & anti-corruption like if it allows officers to flout rules?
- Are officers who raise issue internally told comments are "derogatory" & "won't be tolerated"?
- Why is HP social media run by people who think they can constrain legal speech?

I've put in a complaint, as has @WeAreFairCop . I will be requesting a meeting with @HertsPCC and the Chief Commissioner @HertsPolice

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