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Momentum & Breakout Trader Since 2006┋Influenced by Mark Minervini VCP & William O'Neil CANSLIM┋Clean Charts Focusing on Price & Volume

Jan 1, 2022, 21 tweets

To find future winners, u need 2 train ur eyes studying past setups.
As such, I will be using this thread to group VCP breakout setups from #IBD 100 Best Stocks of 2021.
Each setup has 2 charts, while setting up & after BO
Full 100 list link for reference:

#PowerPlay right out of the gate in 2021
Up over 2200% from a VCP power play setup.

Few months later, $GME built a base with VCP characteristics, sets up a nice pivot around its 50 MA and broke out higher in another 80% run up.

$VRTV provided 3 different opportunities to participate in its 2021 run.
First setup resulted in 110% advance

$VRTV provided 3 different opportunities to participate in its 2021 run.
Second setup resulted in 32% advance before building base on base setup and setting up for another opportunity in late July/early august

$VRTV provided 3 different opportunities to participate in its 2021 run.
3rd and final setup resulted in 150% advance toping out in early November.

$CAR right out of the gate in 2021, Avis setsup a nice VCP base with pivot forming in Jan right on its upending 50 MA.
133% move post breakout.

$CAR then spent 3 months consolidating its previous run up forming a beautiful 3 month cup w/ handle. Early September breakout attempt could have got you stopped out but the stock resets and broke out shotting up 465%!

$PRTA would have potentially stopped you out twice while building its base before it setup a pullback buy opportunity that sent the stock into a 186% rally.

$AMEH Setups up a nice tight box with OBV making multiple New Highs Before Price (NHBP) pointing to strong demand while base building.
Stocks breaks out and rallies over 300% with potential add on setup in June.

$ZIM provided 3 potential entries early on in 2021 with the last one being a failed breakout attempt.
That sets the stage for a larger 3 months base that broke out in August with a 42% gain.

$UPST setups up in May and broke out with a 55% run. It then pullback to BO level building a larger base around its 50 MA breaking out in August.
Stock goes on a big 155% run post earnings.

with a 155% run in less than 8 weeks, $UPST sets up a Power Play with a classic 2 tight daily candles and volume dry up.
Stock rallies close to 25% before topping out for the year.

$CPE Feb 2021 setup and then another 3 month rectangle setup with failed breakout attempt and rest.

$IDT Cup with handle base breaking out Feb 2021

Another $IDT Cup with handle base in Nov 2021 offering an early low handle pivot and an add-on at traditional handle pivot.

$CLFD Sept 2021 setup with over 80% run post breakout.

$BNTX puts in a beautiful 4 month base that ends with a trendline break (red dotted line) and 4 days pivot with a breakout above that level confirming the start of the next uptrend. 291% run post breakout.

$UNFI Power Play / High Tight Flag in early 2021 resulting in 40% gain in less than 2 weeks.

$LPI base with nice VCP characteristics with 125% breakout run in less than 2 months.

$SYNA Oct 2021 low cheat setup with 64% run post breakout.

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