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Mandela | Founding Curator @shapersKano | @Kennedy_School Alumni | Loving husband | Trying to be an amazing dad to my 3kids | Wanderlust | #ZeroTension 🌠

Jan 2, 2022, 7 tweets

With my brother Hon @AbdulAbmJ the brand new Director General, Bola Ahmed Tinubu Support Group Management Council SGMC, yday in Kano, during empowerment of over 5,000 women and youth, and special prayers for the country & @AsiwajuTinubu #ArewaForAsiwaju2023 💃💃💃

A total of 2,500 youth who were trained in different skills received start up capital ranging from N100,000 downwards yday in Kofa, Bebeji LG Kano organised by Hon @AbdulAbmJ the DG of Bola Ahmed Tinubu Support Group Management Council SGMC. #ArewaForAsiwaju2023 💃💃💃

Over 2,500 girls were also supported with scholarship in order to continue with their education in spirit of Girl Child Education in Kano State, all part of the initiative of the DG of Bola Tinubu Support Group Management Council SGMC. Hon @AbdulAbmJ yday #ArewaForAsiwaju2023 💃

There was also the Special prayer session for both the country and our national leader, the Jagaban of Nigerian Politics, the Leader of Leaders, @AsiwajuTinubu our incoming President in Sha Allah! #ArewaForAsiwaju2023 💃💃💃

At the end of the day, an international press conference was held by the DG, Bola TinubuSupportGroupManagementCouncil Hon @AbdulAbmJ, to tell the world that Arewa is for Asiwaju, Nigeria is for Asiwaju, our incoming president come 2023 in sha Allah #ArewaForAsiwaju2023 💃💃💃

#ArewaForAsiwaju2023 💃💃💃

Sai Bola Ahmed Tinubu #ArewaForAsiwaju2023 💃💃💃

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