Dan Sohege 🧡 Profile picture
Director of Stand For All. Specialist in refugee protection, human rights & immigration. Also tweeting about autism and LGBTQI+. Personal account. My views only

Jan 2, 2022, 6 tweets

Number 101 - learn to stop reading when something is bad. Seriously, why did I waste my time on this? Yeah, a four day week sounds lovely. Do the writers have any idea how many people are living hand mouth as it is without taking a further pay drop? 1/ theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2…

If we do somehow manage to move to a four day working week, potentially a good idea, then it isn't going to be because everyone decides to take a pay cut. It needs to be a change throughout the system so people can still afford to live. 2/

Likewise, something tells me that this advice isn't aimed at the millions of people currently living below the poverty line. 3/

To what? How creepy do you want to come across? 4/

Yeah, no. 5/

Oh, and seriously. What the hell is this as a piece of advice? 6/

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