Thomas Creedy Profile picture
Jesus follower. Husband of @amyloucreedy. Theologian at Large @swlvineyard. All views mine - happy to clarify! Editorial Director @ivpbookcentre

Jan 2, 2022, 181 tweets

New Year new reading thread.

Pic of kindle for media interest. And because it got me through some books last year.

First finish of 2022 - ‘In His Image’ by @jenniferwilkin - a really lovely little devotional on the attributes of God. Apologies to author and @crossway for my 20mo daughter’s ‘addition’ to the cover.

Short punchy chapters and some beautifully honest writing.

An evening treat to finish this from @ivpacademic

I love me a multi-perspective book. And this is a vital topic. 4 compelling views, one that did not convince me at all. Reasonable engagement by respondents and plenty of new things to seek out. 4/5

Fun to be rereading some fiction from my teens. ‘Giantslayer’ is particularly good for some of the sort of metaphysics of the Warhammer Fantasy world. Abrupt end though.

Finished and reviewed (!) this is in my view a gem from an @SBTS Prof by @BakerAcademic

A compelling readable and practical vision.

Full review:…


Another fiction finish with some brilliant action, tense sneaking, and unsettling enemies. Kudos to Nathan Long for taking on the baton from William King. #nopressure #succession #seriespublishing

Rather enjoyed both the thoroughness and provocation of this. Interesting to read it after reading Mark devotional my with Schnabel’s TNTC.

As a non-specialist should I bother reviewing on blog? (Annoyingly Twitter won’t let me post a photo ANDa poll).

Quite disappointed with the actual words in this well written and nicely produced book. Readable apart from ENDNOTES instead of footnotes WHY.

Will review and interact with. See Goodreads screenshot for hint.

A random but fun finish yesterday evening - a short book of first hand accounts of the Crimean war. Fascinating.

Yesterdays fiction finish - Manslayer by Nathan Long.

Good fun and a compelling reminder of how vehicles can become characters. RIP Spirit of Grugni.

A lunchtime finish - a treat! An older gem from @eerdmansbooks ft. @profntwright and @alisteremcgrath amongst others. More than 20 years old but some good stuff and some hilariously pertinent stuff for deconstruction conversations.

another fiction finish overnight - 'Elfslayer' in the G+F series. One of the most atmospheric and 'hold your breath' so far - a definite high point for G+F so far, and the best Long one

First NSBT of the year*

A good example of how BT can be iconoclastic-of-evangelical-leadership/shibboleth. Excellent on Gods new community. Very good on challenging simplistic readings of Ezra-Nehemiah. Recommended. More good stuff from @IVPbookcentre @ivpacademic

*pub Nov-21

A chunkier finish that didn’t need to be 300pp. Uninspiring queer theory mixed with misreadings of Luther, culture, Bible and theology. Some pearls. Mostly disappointing. Maybe I had wrong expectation. Anyway, glad to clear it from tbr pile and some useful further leads.

This from @bantu_huSTLe is a GIFT to the church. Readable history + calm analysis. He’s very careful not to overstate case but robust in what he does do. Essential reading for missiologists, theologians and historians. Great stuff from @ivpacademic

Major crit: wanted it longer!

Finished last night - another good G+F romp. This time giving good insight into characters and contexts - again some great series continuity.

Finished on tube home today - a solid book from @MattMBarrett on the vital topic of who God is, but not quite perfect (insofar as books can be). See Goodreads snippet for other thoughts.

Another work book - an Apollos gem from @IVPbookcentre

Vital topic. Short and readable but meaty. Some helpful pointers for those of us living in less-persecuted places. Fantastic book.

A wonderful and beautifully written book by @womeninchurch - come for the stuff on ecumenism and experience of women, stay for deep theology and reflection on power. Unsure about cover personally but an excellent book from @SCM_Press

I’ve used the AOTC volumes for reference before but not read one through. Ruth was a good choice - ending on Jesus and showcasing the sensible and solid format of this series from @IVPbookcentre

If you are preaching Ruth, this should be on your radar.

Another G+F finish - a surprisingly actually haunting read with good action and nice character development.

A marvellous, beautifully illustrated and entirely different from my normal fare sort of book. Tremendous fun and lots of inspiration for future trips - both work and leisure. Big thanks to @Greenfarmhouse for the gift!

A surprisingly enjoyable book about marketing - because it’s theological! Really fascinating, engagingly written and a nice reading of Luther helpful alternatives to the American dream. Really useful cultural engagement. Not much about market practice - perhaps the wrong title?

High hopes for this one but left wanting more. Will explore his bigger volume.

Some good historical stuff and a few footnotes to follow.

Guys this is a cracker of a little book. @yardleysarah demonstrates warmth, biblical fidelity and beautiful sensitivity. I nodded and smiled and will be recommending it to several folk.

Come for the topic, be released and encouraged to love, live and speak for Jesus. 5/5

Finished this tour de force from @Baylor_Press this morning. Too much for a tweet but with some caveats this is a brilliant and deep biblical theology of the incarnation. As you can see from the sticky tabs it’s going to be fruitful! Nice cover too. And ~80pp of bibliography!!!

Finished a slow devotional read of this vol of the ESV Expository Commentary from @crossway

A good book, and one I will use another volume of soon. Obviously not 100% in agreement with all the exegesis but a lovely format. Some devotional gems but probs mostly for preachers.

This from @BakerAcademic is a definite book of the month and an early contender for BOTY for me. Spot. On. Kudos to @BruceAshford and @h_a_thomas for a superb collaboration. Timely, theological and calm.

Always fun to reread an @IVPbookcentre classic. In this case it’s been about 12 years! Fond memories of uni CU Bible studies and this books tools hold up. Still a great way into meaningfully reading and understanding the Bible for yourself.

This has been another gem from @ivpacademic - seen it referenced in some good stuff so sought out a copy.

A brilliant look at the multifaceted beauty of salvation. One to come back to for teaching and preaching, and a great place to start various studies. Excellent.

Another solid TOTC devotional finish this morning. These minor prophets have big things to say and Snyman teases them out to sing. A balm. Definitely more preachable than might be perceived - and ever-timely.

Another good collab between @IVPbookcentre and @ivpress

A bit of a slog but redeemed by some lore insights. Probably weakest so far.

A lovely little book by @Tish_H_Warren - particularly pertinent for the present stage of exhausted parenting and other things.

This is a book for normal Christians - and one of very few books I think every Christian should read. Lovely writing.

Not just rich exposition but some unexpected theological adventures (in a good way!) too. Been a while since I read this gem - still good, and a balm for a grieving soul. Vol. 1 of BST themes from @IVPbookcentre

A lovely, lovely little book from @langhampub - well deserving of its CT award.

Obviously a trailer in part for John Stott on Creation Care, which @IVPbookcentre published late 2021 - was poignantly emotional seeing Laura allude to it.

But this definitely needs to be read.

Something quite unique finished today. An autobiography, ish, of a publisher. Of British Christian books!

A lovely book, very readable, about an interesting colleague. Well worth reading if you are in/interested in ‘publishing’. Kudos to @malcolmdown for getting it out there.

Another G&F finish over the weekend. Very slow to get going but some interesting lore and good twists. Certainly caught me out.

Recently finished this superb book edited by @mbird12 and Scott Harrower. Excellent contributors and, rarely, not a dud amongst the chapters (some superb but no duds. Well done @KregelAcademic)

Just finished this short (<100p) intro by Barker @SPCKPublishing as a primer for her bigger book. Also need to revisit Beales NSBT. Barker here on intriguing form but ends too abruptly. Interesting, though.

A really interesting read from and about @eerdmansbooks - well worth perusing if working in Christian publishing. Some fascinating vignettes, amusing anecdotes and intriguing history. A nice little (200p with several pictures) book.

A fascinating, sobering and prophetic read. ‘Reading Jeremiah in Africa’ does what it says on the tin - and is well worth a read for anyone wanting to see how context can influence reading. It’s a shortish and punchy book. Recommended. Thanks to @langhampub for a review copy.

Finally finished this (excellent and informative) doorstop. A translation and gift from @BakerAcademic - to a non-specialist like me this seems a one-stop shop to the first century. Almost 100p of bibliography.

Grateful to @SCM_Press for a review copy of this intriguing book. 3 or 4 chapters well worth reading. Most of the rest less so. Some in my view very theologically dubious. Will review. Some food for thought - and some real oddities. Glad I read it, but can overall recommend it.

Finished this by @gtomlin from @SPCKPublishing - if this is what ‘generous Orthdoxy’ is, then great!

Regardless, this is a helpful book on how the Nicene Creed can work and help today - with particularly helpful stuff about unity, Christology and heresy.

A fiction slog, which was a shame as I’ve enjoyed the authors previous.

Another devotional finish, another nicely produced multi-book ESVEC from @crossway

Standout probably @DrTomSchreiner on Lk., would love to see him stretch his legs in a longer one on Lk.

Mammoth though - 1100+ pages - so beware your back if you get one!

Appreciated the breadth, depth and unexpected clarity of this tome from @eerdmansbooks

A really fascinating read, probably not ALL needed by pastors, but with some valuable insights for preachers and teachers. One to be aware of - and I’ll refer to it in the future.

A really helpful volume - the coda from @Jason_S_Sexton both crowns it nicely and also explains the demographic monochromacity.

Lovely blend of theological reflection peppered with personal anecdote. Out soon from @IVPbookcentre - in time for @Tyndale_House conf!

First library book finish in a while - fine example of narrative history. Reads like a thriller. Some fascinating insights into multiple aspects of the Falkland’s war.

This is one of the best books I’ve read this year, and is haunting me after I put it down. Stunning from @thoroughlyalive and @ReadBakerBooks

Recommended to anyone wondering about beauty, faith, mental illness, hope and confusion.

Also recently finished this from @langhampub (an interesting comparison to ‘The Gift’ by @Greenfarmhouse) which I enjoyed with some quibbles. Look for a short review soon in @Christianitymag

This mornings devotional finish. The brilliantly idiosyncratic Leithart on 1&2 Kings. Much gold, quite a bit of weirdness, and overall a good case for ‘theological’ commentary. Recommended but not as the only or best comm. on Kings for a preach.

My heart was thoroughly warmed by this gem from @crossway

@timchestercouk captures Stott’s heart for Jesus wonderfully. An instructive read for reviving and recovering evangelicalism from the extremes we are continually tempted by.

This mornings devotional finish. As ever for the NCCS a really readable and focused commentary. It’s short length (97pp!) is both good and bad. Some bibliography gaps imo and some distracting typos BUT really insightful commentary and much food for discipleship thought!

A calm but firm book on one of the most contentious set of questions in our culture today. Superbly referenced, thoroughly honest, and well worth a read.

A couple of qualms from a Christian perspective but the investigative work here is impressive. A sobering read.

An interesting devotional finish. Took a lot of pages to get going but good at the end. I’ll be reading more theological commentaries.

Late to the (2009) party but lots of helpful and arguably prophetic stuff in this from @profrah - telling that it still rings true In many ways.

Read it if you want to think about evangelicalism. And you, like me, think the last (at least) 10y of USA evo hasn’t been ‘brilliant’

This mornings devotional finish. A lovely little commentary from @langhampub

Really focused interesting layout for preachers, plenty of African contextual gems to open up the text, and discussion/reflection questions.

A couple of minor quibbles but definitely a good’un!

This was a delight.

@SPCKAcademic should bring this back into print.

Beautiful Christology grasping at being faithful. Some clangers and some beautiful moments. Well worth reading.

The previous tweet needed this image:

A really short but really good read from @leahmcfallmusic - a good gift for student age people but also faffy 30yo millennials like me and friends freaking out about parenting/singleness/careers/any-everything. A great little book.

Finished this from @glenscrivener

It is very good and ends well. It is not for me though - this is a book for normal people who cba to read Holland’s Dominion or Dickson B+S.

Does what it sets out to do with some brilliant moments. Will review as I liked it.

Well that’s a VERY strong contender for Book of the Year.

If not then it’s pretty much a ringer for book-to-give-to-anyone-who-can-read-of-the-year.

Wonderfully written, nicely packaged, theologically deep. Thankyou, @TheAlanNoble @ivpress

It’s not brilliantly edited and it’s got some infuriating contradictions but there is a lot of good here. Recommended to more conservative friends wondering what ‘Vineyard’ might be. Recommended if imperfectly.

A solid edited collection from @BrillPublishing - standout chapters for me theologically/missiologically are the ones on France, the Mennonites in the US; personally the Wimber chapter, and professionally the Logos one. Will review.

A powerful devotional read. Classic from @IVPbookcentre updated sensitively. Evans on 1+2 Sam has lots of good and some painfully pertinent things about power, leadership, celebrity and women which she draws out. Recommended.

A re-read of a Novel. Still haunting - perhaps even more so now A+I have two kids.

Well worth a read.

Finished, after a while, this. I think I’m underwhelmed. Not yet quite sure why. I will review it imminently. Under the salad image lies a beautifully put together @BakerAcademic tome, lovely to hold and read.

TLDR: it’s fine with some gold but also dross. Not a must buy imo.

Today’s devotional finish. Not a commentary on (although if it were it’d be top 5 for me for preachers) but an interesting read through Ephesians form @langhampub

Some gold, any dross is heavily influenced by the less brilliant parts of Western evangelicalism imo.

This is a GEM from @JohnSwintonAbdn and @SCM_Press - not quite five stars BUT THE BEST chapter on depression I’ve read in years, possibly ever, and brilliant final chapter on healing that leaves me thinking.

A really helpful resource - perhaps more so for those not suffering.

Another devotional finish - Song of Songs is brilliant and Tremper’s NICOT is very readable (maybe my perception of the series level is wrong?). Not much for application. But learnt a lot. As ever from @eerdmansbooks a lovely example of a book as a thing.

I am thus far 100% a fan of Graham Cole - this little SSST is really good on method and posture in theology. Historically, exegetically, culturally and emotionally aware. Cracking little book from @crossway

Another gem from @eerdmansbooks (though is the series defunct?) which is both a great commentary on Col/Phil and a superb bit of theology on image, identity and Christology. Golden.

A really underwhelming start to the finale of this story. A couple of good moments but mostly a definition of meh. Came very close to breaking my ‘always finish a book’ rule.

This morning’s devotional finish from @10ofthose

Mixed feelings. On the one hand much gold - on the other the devotions are REALLY short and I wanted Matt to write more. Beautiful writing. Odd format.

Well my first Bavinck of the year (planning to start ‘Ethics’) was a treat. Beautifully produced by @crossway and translated legibly by @DrJamesEglinton Sutanto and @corycbrock ‘Christian Worldview’ is a tour de force. A little book to pack a punch and encourage Christians. Gold.

Well I’ve been wanting this book to exist in some form and now @KatelynBeaty has made a great stab at it for @BrazosPress

A really important and helpful book - I’ll be recommending it to editorial and other teams at IVP and also our wider group. Bravo!

This mornings devotional finish from @BakerAcademic - reminding me why the BECNT is one of my go to reference series. Even handed and readable - perhaps not as warm as might be expected. A worthy addition to a pastors library, though.

Glad to have reached the end of this - a weird blend of slog and fascinating. A good one stop shop start if interested. A quirky gem from @SVSPress

This is superb, and possibly a contender for a Top Ten slot for the year for me. Readable and careful and exciting - it’s excellent. A work book that I didn’t edit - order your copy @IVPbookcentre and @ivpacademic

Rare to read BT that’s so readable and fresh - marvelous imo.

Finished this from @eerdmansbooks

Simple verdict? 3 out of 5.

Why? An unfortunate infatuation with power, some updates that echo that, and a detachment from some realities.

At the same time it’s essential reading, especially the new afterword.

Tremendous fun to read.

Finished this chunky tome. Mixed feelings. Primarily sobering re church’s treatment of Jews (apart from a Luther vignette focus is mostly on RC).

Not sure way forward is what author suggests.

Well put together history - and 100pp of ref/bio etc.

In complete contrast - this short book.

Some good nuggets but a lot of white space - a short book! Well worth a read but perhaps a little weak on mental rather than physical health.

Love the cover and also enjoyed the genial tone - reassuring!

A beautiful, haunting and thought provoking read. Brill publishing from @ivpacademic. Powerful both in a close reading of the two books but also an honesty and sensitivity in the writing. Recommended.

Few ‘classics’ hold up, after a point. This, however, is stunning. A feast for heart and mind. A commentary like this is a rare gift. A jewel in the @IVPbookcentre crown - not at all daunting.

This mornings finish. A superb book. Made me laugh, wince and reflect. Boakye can WRITE - and in that writing, teach. You don’t have to agree with it all to learn a lot. Wonderful writing from @jeffreykboakye (ht to @BCWLindsay for putting me on to his stuff).

This is a rather nice little book - drawing together some of the multitude of scholarship on Genesis 1-3, sorting it, and presenting it readable and with tables/preachable stuff. A really helpful little book from @KregelAcademic

A cracking little book from @CamdenBucey - come for a brief and fairly friendly (critical friend) to Rahner, stay for the very interesting theological possibilities he sketches out.

One to revisit - and a series I’ll need to watch. Bravo @prpbooks

Devotionally finished this morning - Stott profoundly makes the Sermon SING. Well worth reading/revisiting. Latest @IVPbookcentre edition has nice cover and better typesetting.

Finished this morning for a journal review. Lovely writing from @leydenmichael and a good cover from @SCM_Press

I’m not 100% (possibly not even 80%!) where Leyden is but this is a helpful book that shows his thinking and tries to tie everything to the creed. Thoughtful.

An interesting book. Bold from @Christian_Focus in many ways. An annoyingly abrupt ending. Mostly excellent with just one question not imo adequately resolved. Lots of good stuff though. I also really like this art style.

Finally finished this helpful and important book from @KHayhoe - engagingly written, packed with facts and humanity.

It’s not perfect but it’s a superb example of a Christian writing for the world. It’s also a great tool for tricky conversations that I look forward to having.

This is a fascinating book from @ivpacademic - a window into a part of the chruch I would not otherwise easily encounter. Lots to learn about resilience, hope, justice and living as a minority. Imperfect but so glad I read it. Thanks @ProfeChaoRomero for this gift.

Finished this practical and helpful book. Published in 2005 it’s not dealing with recent spiritual abuse discussion but doing something really important. A helpful and hopeful book that is well worth reading if you feel uneasy. Recommended.

Finished this last week - forgot to tweet. Appreciated tone and substance of what @gavinortlund had to say - wished it had tackled lgbt issue and the shades of gray around it. But a helpful and wise book, I also appreciated the authors autobiographical notes - not just ideas.

Finished this morning by @krishk - A cracking little book, nicely written even where I disagree with Krish. Could probably do with a second edition to get rid of some of the now unfortunate Galli/Hybels quotes - and also because Covid would resonate with much of it. Recommended.

first finish of the holiday from @ivpacademic - a lovely book. Not what I expected, but still good, and well written it occasionally a bit theologically ambiguous. Definitely one to recommend to particularly academic authors I work with. V. glad I read it.

This mornings devotional finish - appreciating the ESVEC from @crossway as a book/object as well as food. Deuteronomy and Joshua solid. Judges and Ruth felt a bit rushed. But still enjoying the format especially having chunks o’Bible before the comment.

Finished this - relatively quickly as despite being THICK it is very readable - from @mez1972

A superb book - modelling well some of what he argues for by giving pages to others. Definitely a prophetic challenge to uk evangelicalism - will we hear it? Many sacred cows skewered.

Finished this little book by @mike_reeves - encouragingly clear, theologically rooted and missionally focused definition of evangelicalism. As you might expect from Mike it’s warm-heartedly Trinitarian (if arguably reliant on Stott). A good book - hope and pray it lands in the US

This is a lovely, warm hearted book all about Jesus. Nice writing from @daneortlund - I’d love to see him take the same angle to eg atonement theories or the Pentateuch. Smart new cover from @EPBooks

First holiday finish. An absolute gem from @joynessthebrave - genuinely lovely writing, deep wisdom, and also funny and honest. One to recommend widely and reread regularly. Write more, please Joy!

Long winded and with an abrupt ending but a fascinating insight into a time and place I do not know much about. Haunting.

Finished this the other day (see other tweet)

Todays holiday finish was a delight. Leaf by Niggle will stay with me for a while.

A real holiday finish - very enjoyable and informative. Could’ve done with a stronger conclusion but more good writing from an author I appreciate.

Todays devotional finish. The latest AOTC from @IVPbookcentre is a magisterial and wonderfully readable guide to Proverbs. I thought I knew it well and now I know it a little better. Thank you, Paul Overland!

Enjoyed rereading Alaric’s saga but the third ends too abruptly. Hope Counter can do more?

This mornings devotional finish. First full read of a ZECNT - thanks to @Greenfarmhouse for the tip. A good commentary on James from Blomberg and Kamell - liked the @ZonderAcademic format. A good mid-weight commentary. Probably particularly helpful for preachers!

I mean it’s fine as far as it goes and there are some moments where her writing songs. But it’s not doing anything groundbreaking. Probably a good one to be aware of.

A fascinating read from @langhampub - a careful, provocative and technical monograph. Could do with a popularization - even one rung down for preachers. Or perhaps a BT approach to culminate in Christ. Very glad to have read it. Fine work from Satyavani.

After RD last year I didn’t know what to expect. This however has been stunning. Bavinck is excellent in this register. Unexpected genius on some current feuds, generous to disagreements and clear. Will become a conversation partner for me. On to vol. 2! Nice job @BakerAcademic

So I finished this by @VoddieBaucham - a fascinating, readable and well written book. V’s story is well told A the argument clear. And yet... Being a white Brit I see some things but also see a LOT of Americanism. Not sure yet what I think. Anyone else read it outside of the USA?

Appreciated a lot of this from @BHpub - similar level to BST, slightly more personal and also more about Jesus fulfilment than text of Jer/Lam. But some great nuggets and Gods used it to minister to me devotionally. Lamentations perhaps particularly.

Finished this gem from @JoshuaLukeSmith yesterday - beautifully written and studded with truth.

Already recommended it to the wife.

This kind of book gives me hope that Christian’s can write…

Second volume done (hey @BakerAcademic when is v. 3 out?) and while it was less brilliant than v. 1 there is much Bavinckian gold. As ever, beautifully produced and the spread of topics and interlocutors is excellent.

This mornings devotional finish - a gem from @DocHarmon. 1st read of an EBTC - I loved the commentary proper. Bib/Theo themes excellent work but could’ve been more integrated. This is a great commentary for preachers imo, but also doing other interesting work. Bravo @LexhamPress

Finished vol. 1 - a long held ambition to *actually read* this. Oft referenced! There’s some gold, some anachronisms, but lots to learn. Kudos to @crossway for keeping it in print! Roll on vol. 2…

Devotional finish this morning. A lovely book from Crossway as ever - not 100% convinced by the PTW format. At least moving notes from end to foot would help. But warm, doxological, and readable.

A fascinating book from @HodderFaith

On the one hand it’s an encouraging, well researched (only one obvious error) and very readable history - on another it’s a sobering warning about uncritical unity and the challenge of repackaging without losing the gospel. Lots to ponder.

Finished today - an encouraging, excruciatingly referenced (it’s Keener) book that made a normal evening rather exciting. Grateful to @vineyardsvs for introducing me to Craig, kudos to @BakerAcademic for doing this follow up to his ‘Miracles’ doorstop (which I might reread).

Late last night finish - not my usual fare but a thoroughly enjoyable diversion with plenty of twists, tension and humour. Great work from @LizzieOHagan1 - will read more!


This mornings devotional finish. A wonderfully Christ-exalting commentary (Colossians special to me as 3:1-17 was preached the day I followed Jesus). Good update from NTW by @IVPbookcentre / @ivpacademic

A very good festschrift - some articles were a bit meh, but they were outweighed by some corkers (particularly Horton, Venema, Ryken and @davidngibbo imo) and general calibre excellent. Bravo @prpbooks

A quality commentary from @eerdmansbooks - though the (very astute) theology could have been more integrated into the exegesis. Felt like two books in one jacket. Will look out for more Grogan stuff.

Very much enjoying my journey through Carl Henry (@crossway pb edition).

This vol starting to intersect more with some of my passions - stuff on Gods name v. interesting and that and other things dovetailed with Grogan nicely. On to vol. III!

I rarely read a book in one go but this from @SPCKPublishing had me on the metaphorical edge of my seat all evening.

Like a modern day ‘Run Baby Run’ etc.

Quote: “I’m just a broken persons who’s trying to show other people where the river is so they can have a drink, I guess”

This was a lovely little book - not quite what I expected and it didn’t ‘do’ anything - but maybe that’s the point.

If you love reading books, you might enjoy this. A random gem from @ReadBakerBooks - particularly nice cover which has echoed drawings throughout.

A warm, readable and thorough commentary on Philippians - an epistle that until this year (read Bellevilles NCCS) I don’t think I’d loved. Hansen opens it up and shows us Jesus beautifully. Devotionally rich but plenty of technical detail for when that’s needed.

Finished last night - a gem by @wdavidotaylor on some of the Psalms (though generally all). Perfect for a group or perhaps a mentoring pair. Takes seriously questions of life inc. deconstruction - by drawing readers deep into the Psalms. Nicely produced by @ThomasNelson too.

An interesting read from @PhilMooreLondon - part commentary part exposition. Warm hearted and some golden nuggets. Will read another.

This was a bit of a slog. More descriptive than anything else - the occasional helpful link/observation makes it worth keeping but I’m honestly none the wiser about much. A meandering tour of business development throughout history that didn’t perhaps do what I’d hoped.

A marvelous little book from @ivpacademic - Gonzalez is readable and penetrating, and makes much of primary sources. An excellent intro to Augustine, or reminder for those of us non-experts. Genuinely excellent.

This mornings devotional finish. A bit of a slog (WBC format is odd) but some gems that came from close reading of text… aware of revised version. Anyone comment on comparison?

This little book from @DaveGobbett (thanks @thegoodbookuk!) is an excellent little primer for evangelicals wondering about the Christian view of the environment.

Praying this’ll be a gateway and a catalyst.

Halfway mark of Carl Henry reached. This was a mixed slog.

A bit of a drag but the ending was gripping and dragged the omnibus from 3 to 4 stars. Probably won’t revisit the first two in it though.

A calm and careful guide to Daniel. Focused commentary with helpful epilogue. Also interesting to have Additions to Daniel in the appendix - though more could have been said about these. A solid AOTC from @IVPbookcentre

This is a stunningly beautiful book. I’m honestly not sure I have a major fault with it (other than possibly endnotes, although actually that sorta worked here).

Read it.

Bravo, @BrazosPress and Kelly M. Kapic

Finished this from @thegoodbookuk

It’s definitely for complementarians - and rather than explaining the why, it seeks to winsomely explain the how. So for convinced comps it’s going to be a useful resource.

Could also make a useful conversation starter for disagreement.

an interesting commentary in an interesting series from @BakerAcademic - some gems but occasionally manages to make a powerful narrative weirdly boring. That said, definitely worth being on the radar of anyone doing technical work on Acts. Less sure about for preachers.

This mornings devotional finish. Wenham has given us a gem - even if perhaps dated this is a masterclass in explaining an OT book. Devotional and warm. As ever a lovely physical book from @eerdmansbooks

A warm and nourishing feast in my devotional time. Amongst the heart of the sermons there is much meat for the head, too. Classic Webster, in my limited experience.

Nice bit of publishing from @LexhamPress - printing the passage opposite the start of the sermon a nice touch.

This mornings devotional finish form @Zondervan

Lots of wisdom from author - including prescience (from ‘96) about evangelicalism and politics. Very good. NIVAC format straightforward and good for preachers, esp new ones. // any key standouts in this series?

Fun fiction diversion - good twist, believable world and strong characters. My inner ‘history’ nerd enjoyed the sandbox.

I’ve never been blown away by Brueggeman - this didn’t help. Well written and engaging. But wildly insistent and often infuriating. Worth consulting but not top tier. Not really even 2nd. But some gems amidst the muddle.

Finished this last week. It’s not the book I expected (it’s less party/issue political and more about living well in public) but it’s a book I think every Christian should read. Calmly. Bravo, @KaitlynSchiess + @ivpress

This has been an interesting if occasionally over-detailed read. Beautifully produced book from @BakerAcademic - and Ruth and Lim have written a fine history. Probably essential for specialists. Well worth reading if the topic interests.

A devotional finish.

“At the end of the world God sits enthroned”

Nicely produced and occasionally thrilling from @prpbooks

Like a bloated BST/PTW - some sections deserve their own volume. Will need to read something else from this series

This has been like eating steak every morning. So good I finished it this evening for the joy of the thing. Monumental in more than just page count, Desi has delivered a fine commentary here. @IVPbookcentre

An interesting book from Carl Trueman/@crossway

Lots I agree with, some quibbles. More practical than ‘rise’ which was my quibble with that book.

Pondering a review. We shall see.

Yesterdays finished, Snodgrass w/@BakerAcademic

A shorter book but very valuable. Snodgrass makes a compelling case to put remember participation in the gospel. Good stuff and pretty accessible - something church leadership teams/elders could read together.

A few theological eyebrows raised, but a beautifully written, honest book. Shows what chronic pain looks and feels like. Vital for those in pastoral roles/church leadership wanting to think practically about inclusion/serving us/them too.

Will stay with me for a while. @ivpress

The project continues. May *just* finish it this year.

This was a 600+ page slog - a flabby start and quite a lot of stuff now less useful. BUT some good anthropology and prophetic/perceptive stuff on homosexuality, social Justice, and evangelical fragmentation.

This is excellent. As in, really good. Possibly a contender for BOTY from me in how it interweaves many good things. Thanks, @richvillodas for writing this gem.

Nice feeling little hardback too, from @WaterBrookPress (admittedly via @ThriftBooks for me)

Finished this little gem from @ericamongegreer yesterday - a readable and fertile little book. If you like BSG and theology/religious studies, you’ll enjoy it. If you don’t know BSG, it might pique your interest. Some helpful insights and also FUN. Recommended. @wipfandstock

Also finished ‘Lydia’ by @paulargooder - look out for my review in @Christianitymag soon…

Finished today the second Denver aqquisition (and second from @wipfandstock too!) - a superb introductory/orienting look at the imago dei from @lucepeppiatt

This is a great book that would make a good intro text, but also raises lots of helpful questions.

Another day another Denver-acquired finish. This morning this short primer from a conservative reformed position in what humanity is. 7day/complementarianism aside it’s a helpful primer - if occasionally a bit speculative. Good on what renewed and redeems looks like.

This mornings devotional finish. A 1990 NIGTC from @eerdmansbooks - doxologically rich. Some slightly random arguments I’ll need to consider elsewhere, but mostly a good read. Less intimidating than expected.

Also finished this morning from @Zondervan

A very readable broad evangelical theology of the body. Some missteps and omissions and overly focused on USA context (ironic as he repeatedly affirms global evangelical diversity/statements). But a good positive book.

This by Sandra Richter from @ivpacademic is excellent - a great intro to the OT. Some wonderful turns of praise that consistently turned my heart to praise. A good way to think about the story.

This mornings devotional finish (with a few tabs for work projects!). A solid, workmanlike commentary from @eerdmansbooks - not much excitement but a fine translation with good text. crit. stuff. Didn’t read 1st ed so can’t comment on changes. Readable and calm.

A heart warming book by @jvfesko from @Christian_Focus

Some quirks and odd sources aside, it’s an excellent overview of imputation. Would recommend as a way in. Good Bible stuff for a systematic/historical treatment.

The packaging (whilst beautiful) might not be exciting but this is a cracking little book from @DrGladd in the NT series from @crossway.

A gift for preachers, but warm and worshipful for the rest of us. Recommended.

This was fascinating, and readable from @albpeeler

Lots of things to agree with, some to push back on, and plenty to reflect on. Nicely produced by @eerdmansbooks

Probably going to have to review it.

Todays devotional finish comes from @ivpacademic - less a commentary than a collection of comments. Possibly a great research tool, personally I found it rich and encouraging for devotional time, reading with those who have walked before.

This by @pj_schreiner from @BHpub is excellent. Not as American as the author fears, carefully using the breadth of the biblical text, and drawing on sensible political theology.

Very good primer - would work well with ‘A Mucky Business’ by @timfarron


Todays fun finish from @LexhamPress - with a short review:

Overall a great edited collection.

A superb book on hermeneutics from @ElizabethWMbur2 w/ @langhampub

Instructive and eye-opening for this Western reader, but wonderfully encouraging and straightforward too. Would be a good refresher for pastors or for an undergrad course. And some great nuggets on other things.

Enjoyed most of - and was thoughtfully provoked by - this festschrift for Okholm from @wipfandstock

Models some of what it does, and some genuinely innovative/generative pieces.

There’s a reason why this is well-respected - a readable, deep and rich gift.

Re-opened Deuteronomy for me over the last week or so of mornings - what a wonderful God who cares for his people.

Keep an eye out for more volumes in the series from @IVPbookcentre

It’s a good sign when a commentary is so readable you read it in two sittings. This from Spencer/@KregelAcademic was a wonderful devotional aid. The translation format was a bit odd and occasionally the tangents were distracting but there is gold here. Lots of application.

A fiction finish on the buses today. Cracking geopolitical thriller, read it before and it holds up again.

Finished today - and reviewed:…

A new book from @DavenantInst ft. cool dudes (and it was, I think, all male) like @mattleeanderson @zugzwanged and @johnswyatt

Strong shot across the CST's bows, looking forward to more.

A late contender for a top 10 slot - a gem of prose and poetic theology by @Tish_H_Warren from @ivpress

Some parts broader than I might go but nearthe core of this book is an honest suffering that I resonate with. And a humble hope of prayer. Beautifully written.

Probably the volume of Henry I’ve enjoyed most thus far. Lots of nuggets, some dated stuff. Kudos again to @crossway for keeping it in print.

A fine example of a theological commentary - some genuinely useful application. Some quirks. A helpful read, I think.

Around 20 years old, this feels painfully relevant as informed fiction. Slow start, but impossible to put down by the end.

Todays devotional finish. A very readable and enjoyable (!) commentary on Ecclesiastes that wears its scholarship lightly, opens up the text, and bodes well for this new series from @wipfandstock

Planning more Goldingay in the New Year.

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