Bobby Rajesh Malhotra Profile picture
Monarch Intelligence: Dissecting #SocialEngineering, Professional Glowie Mediation, Top Secret International Glowie.…

Jan 2, 2022, 37 tweets

When it is proposed that I should sign-up for GETTR. QRD:
⇢Literally hosted by Amazon Cloudservices subsidiaries
⇢Google ReCAPTCHA implemented
⇢Big Data Honeypot, data is sold to 3rd parties by Google as they wish and also used for Ad Words

So @FreedomPhoneUS - Quote - "The Phone for Conservatives" - is NOT relying on Big Tech anymore, but all happy on GETTR?

Interesting. If you put in their mail address into Google, you literally find yourself in MossadLand in N.Y.

I wouldn't download their app(s), both of them.

Remember the "alt right" PsyOp "White Nationalist Richard Spencer"?

That was also literally a CIA / Mossad Social Engineering Data Gathering Operation.

He literally voted for Joe Biden then, LOL.…

Dissenter supported by GAB? Nope, Honeypot and Spyware.…

KEK @GETTRofficial KEK! Well played, well played...

[Thx to @TheDaves_I_know for pointing out]

@QuickFang_ @IanHull37585377 GETTR, GAB etc. are gated communities to make it easier for AI to "group" "behavioural training sets". It is a gated community playground for directed target audience PsyOp experiments with certain political views (virtue signalling them into the honeypot). Welcome to MOSSAD 101.

@QuickFang_ @IanHull37585377 Then you are preframed with all your "more of the same big tech" data as "right wing", "muuuh alt right" (sign up is enough) and your data is specifically sold to interested Social Sciences / Social Engineering enterprises who want to have an already "sorted political spectrum".

More thoughts on the GETTR thing:

They are promoting "free speech", "freedom", "muuh big tech, we're the alternative", "muuh patriots", but using literally the TOOLs of their proclaimed "enemies" ⇢ Big Tech + more Spyware. That's a weird oxymoron, not? Hopium laced with Copium?

MemeticWarfare 101: GETTR can only be a CIA/MOSSAD honeypot. Glowies ♥️ gated communities, away from #BigTech:
a) Grouped for AI behavioural patterns training sets
b) Playground for Psychological MKULTRA PR-experiments with a politically grouped set of ppl

The game's name: divide et impera. Left & right should ask: Should the political opposite spectrum be gated away? Give Glowies more opportunities to perfect their gaslighting weapons? Wasn't #Gamergate obvious enough as @DARPA social engineering experiment?

Gentle reminder: The Great Digital Online Memplex is social media, we're (no matter which political direction & color) interconnected with each other as a digital community (and also bound to Big Tech corruption).
GETTR, GAB = gated community social sims.…

I find it better if we'd use the technology to analyse & test biases & arguments (despite the BigTech censorship, I know), test the waters of the opposite political spectrum w/out over-echochambering ourselves to gated fringes.

@DARPA Narratives Networks:…

@sapp_erlot @HolzapfelStefan But you are right, I should try to delete my account there (or at least try it).

GAB: "My Little Anonymous Revival Project (aka Kirtaner) siphoned data, everything someone needs to run a nearly complete analysis"

Fake SJW Anons/Glowies101: 2day SJW, 2morrow NatSoc

GAB Pattern: What did CEO Andrew Tora do? Nothing. Instead of immediately closing security loopholes /OPSEC issues he told his commuity:

"muuh that's not a real hack"

Even though the donators list of GAB had been leaked before too. Alphabets Honeypot101.


⇢ by Andrew Torba, Ex-Y Combinator

⇢ 49$-499$ Social Media Template

⇢ + someone else's microblogging code

⇢ that their CPO forked on Github



Divide et impera 101:
⇢ Grouped for AI
⇢ Easy overview, "junkies park"
⇢ Easy PsyOps-Targets, Gated Community
⇢ Glowie Data Doxing Fun

PR VS. Reality:
⇢"Muuh Big Tech" (BigTech Backend)
⇢"Muuh Big Data" (Google's reCAPTCHA)
⇢"Muuh fck censorship" (Amazon Servers)

"But muuh Bobby, fck your black pills"

I hate those black pills too, nevertheless: Cognitive Warfare is a NATO-baby, social media the most costs-effective playground for Glowies, gated communities are preferred for MKULTRA PsyOps.

Online Social Engineering PsyOps 101:
The 1st prototype PsyOp for mass-social engineering MKULTRA-operations within the online realms was #Gamergate, a @DARPA Social Sciences-baby, targeting kids.

It laid ground for the status quo.

Important Poll & related:
Did the permanent ban of Robert Malone's Twitter account trigger you to switch over to GETTR, once he had announced on Joe Rogan of planning to be an active account there (it being allegedly more censorshipfree than Twitter [iOS/Android-App & Desktop])?

"That's unrealistic, way too much effort. Who would set up a social media platform just for that, to put certain political stances on 'health security' into a gated community?"

Answer: You're a noob: First use them, then cull them.…

"Why did you mention Malone?"

I don't know, Malone Pattern: 1st make it viral, then cull it, then blame "wife".

Remember the MPDI paper?
Remember Michael Callahan?

The Joe Rogan drops were great! No doubt!

Do alphabets sometimes let concure?

"Advertise GETTR then drop some red pills @ Joe's podcast!"(?)

Would health security agenda glowies prefer social media platforms dedicated entirely to gated communities over "mixed" ones?

Is Twitter API lacking total echochambering options?

Poll: If you were @AlbertBourla, would you prefer seeing @Bobby_Network posting red pill threads only on GETTR, GAB and Parler, but not on Twitter anymore?

GETTR, Bannon, Je, CCP?
"#GETTR founder Miles Guo Wengui (aka Miles Kwok) pled the Fifth when asked in federal court about his money man, William Je. He didn't dispute that Je is a member of the CCP's Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference."

⇢🇨🇳App by billionaire Guo Wengui
⇢Linked to GNews (Bannon & Guo)
⇢June 2021 GETTR-rebranding by Jason Miller (Ex Trump Speaker)
⇢"GETTR is not ours, so we should follow the instructions. Right?" ()


⇢"Freedom of Speech"-GETTR has ties to CCP, it's thought as Anti-Wang Qishan think tank, but not as Anti-CCP
⇢Deepest Bannon Land (PsyOps)
⇢Joe Rogan & Robert Malone leading the way to move to GETTR
⇢Gated community
⇢WEF wins? Divide et Impera101

Aug 2017: "Miles Guo Wengui made a lengthy statement of allegiance to Xi Jinping. This is a section of his video. I have Guo’s full statement, in Mandarin and English."

"CCP bad, Xi Jinping good?"
Controlled Opposition?

Quote/Video (h/t): @JMichaelWaller

The Left is actively trying to out everyone into 1984 surveillance dystopia and the right's solution is to go to a literal CIA / Mossad-honeypot most probably financed with CCP money?

If you want "freedom" then support de-centralized solutions.


⇢Joe Rogan show
⇢tells us: "banned from Twitter"
⇢Joe asks where we can find him
⇢tells us: "I'm on Gettr"
⇢doesn't tell us he's on Gab too, but he's

Why didn't Malone mention GAB?
Rogan insta 8 M followers, GETTR had 3 M total users Nov2021?

Interim Conclusion: Malone/Rogan podcast had impact, no doubt. But them trying to lure their followers into a honeypot dulls the joy, fully echochambers the online InfoFlow: Divide et Impera.
Robert Malone glows in the dark. Period.

@Tobias73172443 Twitter API is not well enough equipped to really "shadowban" you. They can, but only via "search ban" (seldom) and reply deboosting (often the case). The latter is irrelevant if you post on your timeline. Hashtags deboosting can be avoided via not using them.

@Tobias73172443 In other words: It's hard for them to keep those science messages of dissent out of the mainstream bubbles, I clearly see it in my analytics. And they have a hard time to ban you for solely scientific journal links, that would trigger the scientists from the other side.

@Tobias73172443 Therefore I stand with my hypothesis that their sole goal is now to divide et impera. This is a mass social engineering experiment and operation; once Twitter is solely "pro" and all the other gated communities are all "resisting" (GAB, GETTR), they have won the cognitive war.

Memetics101: @GETTRofficial uncovered as CIA/MOSSAD/CCP honeypot in warp speed.
Any comments @ebonybowden, @JasonMillerinDC?

I♥️Mossad patterns, really, 5/9/14-eyes entertainment deluxe.

@djdiazcom wrong link, corrected:

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