Bobby Rajesh Malhotra ⁴⁴⁴ Profile picture
τοπ Σεcrετ ιντεrνατιοναλ: 99° GrandMaster | Occult realms researcher | Glowies love me & integral part of my target audience | My guardian angel is known as 444
69 subscribers
Jan 11 17 tweets 15 min read
1/17: Let's examine why @Alice_Weidel is merely a banking syndicate-NPC and why all of the buzz by @elonmusk's low-effort clickbait (#MuskWeidel) is at best brain-cancer copium a.k.a. Divide_Et_Impera.exe…… Image
2/17: Let's look through the @GoldmanSachs -lense: Weidel worked for the banking syndicate as financial analyst, lived in China for 6 years, speaks fluently Mandarin ...all that... she fails to mention in that interview - even though closely connected to her half-baked babblings. Image
Jan 9 9 tweets 3 min read
I'll leave this just here. Let's sum a bit:

a) We have an astonishingly accurate @realDonaldTrump here - just 3 months before at the biggest podcast of the planet.
Sep 27, 2022 25 tweets 18 min read
Why was the USS Kearsarge there with transponders off some weeks ago?……

What did @JoeBiden mean by this?

What did @Luisamneubauer mean?

What did @ABaerbock hint?

What did @radeksikorski mean by this?

Can Jetfuel melt steel pipes?
Aug 21, 2022 9 tweets 9 min read
То, что меня не убивает, убивает кого-то еще.

Translation: "What doesn't kill me, kills someone else"

Dugin posted this exactly 1 year ago. Image Glowies already baiting before the car bomb exploded?

Feb 28, 2022 84 tweets 81 min read
Fastest EU-membership negotiations ever, even faster than @Eurosurveillanc's rapid response.

Congrats @vonderleyen, @ProfKlausSchwab, @georgesoros. Ah, btw. Uncle @ProfKlausSchwab, why did the @KremlinRussia_E hide this link?

It's just 4 months ago. Memory-holed?

Asking for my mommy.… Image
Feb 21, 2022 21 tweets 19 min read
Luckily nothing happened and the professional stunt horse did an excellent job with a fake step on the crisis actor.

They spare neither cost nor effort and simply book the best who know something about the matter.

Image Oh noes! Terrorist armed with a bicycle threw it at the direction of the (professional stunt) horses. Cruel!

Leaf Frens: Overthrow the government, @ProfKlausSchwab will think of the rest!

Dark Winter II is over, #Agenda2030 na0!

Feb 13, 2022 38 tweets 22 min read
Sad to see that Whitney Webb sold herself out to the controlled op theaterplay "Grand Jury" by Fuellmich's Mafia. I'm not buying her crocodile tears after her experiencing backlash for participating in this shit, rendering her work obsolete for me. Keep your tears, no remorse. ImageImageAnd again Fuellmich is gasl...Image
Feb 12, 2022 8 tweets 14 min read
Interesting, isn't it?

Stephane Bancel (@sbancel) - CEO of @moderna_tx nuked his Twitter account 2 days ago.

Here is an archive snapshot of 9th Febuary 2022:

It was his account:
ImageImage Stocks: Doesn't look rosy for @moderna_tx.
This comes after a mysterious digg & public outreach of an ex Black Rock hedge fund exec @DowdEdward into death statistics from insurance companies & funeral homes.
Jan 29, 2022 38 tweets 45 min read
That's wicked & unreal:

Furry 'Chise' (@sailorrooscout) co-developed @Moderna's leaky mRNA-jab.

Pharma utilizes this 'fursona' for subliminal Immunomythology-messaging via social media.

[thx 2 Anon Frens] There is even more unreal t... Furry @sailorrooscout, co-developer of @moderna_tx's mRNA-jab is also @HMHowlFest-'chair':
➙For all ages
➙Private campground
➙Kids>16⇢parental supervision
➙<10 pm bondage-gear granted
➙No 'proshipping'
The quickest answer is that...
Jan 19, 2022 17 tweets 18 min read
Imminent risk of war between @NATO/@Ukraine & @Russia could become a sour reality, according to rumors.


Freq: 8992, 11175
Freq#2: 4724 (night-freq, CET)
Freq#3: 6739, 13200, 15016
Mode: USB

In case 💩 indeed hits the fan, then this'll be my continueous thread for in real time-analysis while relevant news-bits'n'pieces flow through the social & mainstream media-veins.


Pic: #QRD-#SKYKING 4 #noobs (via chans)⇣ Image
Jan 6, 2022 75 tweets 88 min read
"Muuh, Bobby, what's up with the #Novak scandal/ @AustralianOpen?"

This is for sure not a #PsyOp, right @DjokerNole?

@novakfoundation supports social impact markets, digital child labour for hedge funds, the #4IR @wef- agenda.

@ProfKlausSchwab approves.…

Credits for above tweet actually belong to @WWakeUpTime.
Jan 2, 2022 37 tweets 24 min read
When it is proposed that I should sign-up for GETTR. QRD:
⇢Literally hosted by Amazon Cloudservices subsidiaries
⇢Google ReCAPTCHA implemented
⇢Big Data Honeypot, data is sold to 3rd parties by Google as they wish and also used for Ad Words So @FreedomPhoneUS - Quote - "The Phone for Conservatives" - is NOT relying on Big Tech anymore, but all happy on GETTR?

Interesting. If you put in their mail address into Google, you literally find yourself in MossadLand in N.Y.

I wouldn't download their app(s), both of them.

Jan 2, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
Here I'm trying to warn Jonathan J. Couey - an excellent General Biologist & Immunology101 mentor - not to fall for some Controlled Op-traps & pattterns; especially Germany's Fuellmich Camp is atm the epicenter for all kinds of credibility-traps, PsyOps, Hopium laced with Copium. The thread get's broken due to a Twitter-bug, continue here @jjcouey.
Jan 1, 2022 17 tweets 20 min read
Bumping up old memories.

I wonder what happened in Australia all of a sudden, that flipflop was quite accelerated. John? Ian? @ianfmusgrave? What happened?

Did you guys run out of mafia slang?… "One, Two, @dnatured's Coming For You

Three, Four, Better Lock Your Door

Five, Six, Grab A Crucifix

Nine, Ten, Never Sleep Again" ImageImageImage
Dec 30, 2021 14 tweets 16 min read
@jjcouey @Archer_14 🇩🇪 "opposition market" = clusterfck w/ all sorts of twists, backstories. Maybe you want to join a group of us here here: You'll find Kevin, me, Bad Cat, Daoyu, Billy, Aya, Arun, Jim, Federico, Gerdosi, Ethical, Lynn, Ivor, Nick, Brendan. Follow me, I'll deploy you (if you want). ImageImageImageImage @jjcouey @Archer_14 @jjcouey: I was watching your stream yesterday and I catched your little segment on McCullough & Alex Jones. I had a discussion with @Kevin_McKernan, and had 1:1 your stance,"Jones" is a redflag for me too. Kevin's argument: "grab as many mics as possible".
Dec 17, 2021 23 tweets 20 min read
@NInterit @mental_hoquetus @aya_velazquez 1/x: Fangen wir einfach generell damit an.

Vorab-Disclaimers, damit nicht gleich "dazwischen-gefaucht" wird:

- Mir sind die Probleme der Virologie durchaus sonnenklar, den einzigen den ich in dem Gebiet auch wirklich respektiere ist Dr. Duesberg. @NInterit @mental_hoquetus @aya_velazquez 2/x: In den 90ern wurde schon festgehalten, dass alles mögliche faul ist an:

a) Slow Viruses
b) HIV / AIDS / AZT (Therapie löst Autoimmunity aus)
c) Duesberg / Mullis VS Fauci Gallo

und hier schlägt mein Herz ganz klar für c) Duesberg / Mullis, das steht ausser Frage.
Dec 17, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
The face you make, when you realize that "Saint Reiner Fuellmich" got financial funds by @OpenSociety, and in direct consequence indirectly via @gatesfoundation. Connected:…
Feb 15, 2021 22 tweets 7 min read
#Shock-#Rock GIF-collection, it happened back in January 2020, went on in Febuary, March, April, suddenly stopped sometime after May 2020. Do you remember the time? It all started in the chans...

Thread ⬇️-Music: Michael Jackson, Remember The Time:


I don't know, bet you wanna try
Every time you see
Jan 15, 2021 20 tweets 9 min read
Graphs: unravelling Big Pharma economic connections betw/ Gates Foundation, Fauci, Pfizer/BionTech, UN/WHO, Bloomberg, John Hopkins.

(thx 2 @weaponizedword1)

Addendum: thx again 2 @weaponizedword1