Tuffs ASIA+AU+NZ COVID-19 = 144 Deaths Per Million Profile picture
Demographics, geography, data modeling. Access to professional databases and STEM including pre-prints. Lessons Learned analysis. Facts not slogans.

Jan 3, 2022, 9 tweets

@RonFilipkowski - COVID-19 is the Black Swan for 2020/21/22. Plainly Joe Biden got us going..

Thing is, back in 2018 Trump had the National Security Council anti-pandemic management team eliminated. And all their projects.

Crazy bad. #Sabotage

The system we lost in 2018 would have responded automatically beginning 12/31/2019:
-- Border quarantine
-- National Tracking Corps
-- EMT enhancements
-- Antiviral support
-- Positive pressure PPE for hospitals

Also liaison positions to National Guard and the Agencies.

This Eisenhower-to-2018 system came over from SEATO in Asia.

Enhancements were added steadily. Same for renamings and false claims of ground-up reinvention.

The same basic system has Asia under 150 deaths-per-million today.

USA would have fewer than 50,000 COVID-19 deaths.

Think Tank work in USA ignores Asia. You can't be "The Father of Pandemic Response" and copy Asia.

What we see is budget grabs. None of the Seven Pillars items.

Here's one of the worst. Their list = $ 1 billion

Nothing matches the hard things list.

Even Michael Lewis fell for the local invention stories.

In "The Premonition," he has George Bush initiate the first pandemic planning in 2005.

That's just silly.

He misses Asia altogether. Dengue, malaria, plague, SARS-1, MERS hadn't taught a thing.

Everything Lewis's "Wolverines" wanted had already been built. And more.

"Wolverines" didn't know that because they didn't have the security clearances or White House NSC contacts for access.

3,000+ pages of NSC planning docs were sealed off like nuclear codes.

After the Foreign Policy article, January 2020, corporate media dropped all mention.

John Bolton put out a tale that firing the team and deleting the files was a re-organization.

A bald-faced lie.

The projects weren't moved. And Trump screwed the states.

Not to belabor the future.

SARS-1, avian flu, swine flu, MERS, Ebola, Zika. All of these preceded SARS-2 COVID-19 in the 21st century.

7 in 21 years.

No system = A no-treatment low-signal pathogen that goes septicemic like HIV could kill until it gets tired of us

White House security restrictions prevented any and all FOIA discovery related to killing off NSC pandemic response in April/May 2018.

Trump's combination of spite and hatreds was never clearer.

More than 90% of USA COVID deaths = the price of Trump avoiding responsibility

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