all colors are beautiful 黄旭熙丨LUCAS丨루카스 Profile picture

Jan 3, 2022, 7 tweets

Luxor is a sasaeng fan of Lucas since 2018 & stalked him everywhere to different countries.The investigation team found out she got herself a job & worked for Keep Running 2019 behind screen.This is the photo she took with Lucas on the set of KR before July 2019 #nct #lucas

Luxor also since 2018, had taken countless photos of Lucas stalking him around. She was selling his photos to make money from Lucas fans. So Luxor had made tons of money using Lucas.

Luxor posted on her account on May 2019, her work ID for Keep Running and a comment "Macau" Lucas was filming Keep Running during the Spring in 2019. Macau was one of KR filming location. She was a Lucas' stalker who got a job so she could get close to her idol.

Because luxor and your highness were both using Lucas to make money by selling his photos. They are sasaengs who stalked Lucas since 2018. So they are well known and were voted by Lucas' China fandom to take the admin positions of Lucas biggest China fansite CNFC

Luxor & YourHighness are the administrators of Lucas' biggest China fansite.They are close friends with
Flytothemoon.FTTM used to stalk Mark,then she opened a yangyang fansite,but she has obsession with Lucas spread lies about himwon't leave him alone. The 3 girls stalked Lucas.

This group of sasaeng fans and their entourage, used to visit Lucas' parent food shop in HK in a group,& ate free. Lucas had his parents closed their shop due to them bothering & he was afraid for the safety of his parents.

clarification:The ChinaTV show Keep Running they travel to different parts of China to film each episode.(12 to 13 episodes total each season annually) So they hire lots of one or few days staff or temporary staff or extras on their show.Luxor probably worked in the Macau episode

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