all colors are beautiful 黄旭熙丨LUCAS丨루카스 Profile picture
Jan 13, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
Lucas Antis needto stopspreading lies aboutLucas usingthe shutdown ofhis China fansite tosupportyour claim ofhim being guiltyofthose allegations.Hisfan site's current administrators have been under investigation for stealing money evenbeforethe shut down.@SMTOWNGLOBAL #NCT #LUCAS There are more than 2 administrators Luxor and Yourhighness. It's a group of around 8 people. One of them China lumis referred using pronoun "He"
Jan 3, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Luxor is a sasaeng fan of Lucas since 2018 & stalked him everywhere to different countries.The investigation team found out she got herself a job & worked for Keep Running 2019 behind screen.This is the photo she took with Lucas on the set of KR before July 2019 #nct #lucas Luxor also since 2018, had taken countless photos of Lucas stalking him around. She was selling his photos to make money from Lucas fans. So Luxor had made tons of money using Lucas. Image
Dec 5, 2021 5 tweets 7 min read
Lucas grew up in Hong Kong.His parents used to own a Thai food shop(more than 10 years)in the mall.When he was young,he usedto goto his parents shop after school to help out.The people who have been working in the mall all know him,said Lucas is very well liked. #nct #lucas #WayV ImageImageImageImage Do you all see Lucas is very familiar with working in the kitchen. He followed the orders given by the old man. Yes, yes, yes..said Lucas. His familiar because he used to work in his parents food shop and helped out preparing the cooking ingredients. #Nct #wayv #lucas