Samuele Bolotta Profile picture
Intern in Machine Learning at @Mila_Quebec; supervised by @introspection 🤖 🇨🇦 | Neuroscience 2019-2021 @neurasmus_ 🧠 🇳🇱🇺🇲🇫🇷

Jan 3, 2022, 10 tweets

Social Neuro AI: Social Interaction as the "dark matter" of AI

Happy to share this opinion paper I wrote with @introspection, on how we can advance the field of #SocialNeuroAI:

A thread (1/10)

Learning adaptive information from others results in better regulation of task performance, especially by gaining fitness benefits and in avoiding some of the costs associated with asocial, trial-and-error learning.


Various categories of #sociallearning have been proposed, as well as social learning strategies that refine such categories and make them contextually appropriate.


Moreover, recent efforts in #computationalsocialneuroscience have paved the way for a naturalization of social interactions, showing that the connectome seems to facilitate resonance between brains.


So, how can we leverage social learning to make AI agents more robust and flexible? Three ideas:


1 Neuroscientific theories of cognitive architecture can enhance #biologicalplausibility and help us understand how we could bridge individual and social theories of intelligence (6/10)

2 Intelligence occurs in time as opposed to over time, and this is naturally incorporated by the powerful framework offered by #dynamics.


3 #Socialembodiment has been demonstrated to provide social interactions between virtual agents and humans with a more sophisticated array of communicative signals.


We believe these research axes will contribute to creating agents that not only do have human-like OOD skills, but are also able to exhibit such skills in extremely complex and realistic environments.


Many thanks to my brilliant coauthor and supervisor @introspection, as well as all the people who provided us with useful feedback!


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