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Founder of @AixetaInfo, a non-profit platform promoting creation. Also a writer and publisher. Mastadon:

Jan 4, 2022, 10 tweets

What is Catalan? And why should you care? Here's @llenguacat 's answer.…

“Compared to other languages with a similar demographic weight, Catalan is the most unprotected language in Europe”

“Most of the discrimination cases involve Spanish government bodies and are neither investigated nor prosecuted” #TheCatalanLanguage

“Both the UK and Germany have more than 20 universities that offer Catalan courses. Spain, outside of Catalan-speaking areas, only 8.” #TheCatalanLanguage

“Catalan is the 13th most spoken language in the EuropeanUnion among 15–34-year-olds, which places it above official EU languages such as Danish, Finnish, Slovakian, Croatian, Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian,
Slovenian, Maltese, Irish…”

“Of the top eight social networks, only @Instagram and @LinkedIn, the jobbased network, are yet to launch a Catalan version, thus proving the viability and need for a Catalan-language version of these sites.”

“The Spanish Constitution… makes Catalan redundant even in its own territory, so immigrants do not need to learn it, and justifies the State operating solely in Castilian and passing interventionist legislation on its behalf.”

Basic Facts about Catalan #TheCatalanLanguage

Did you know that world-renowned architect Antoni Gaudí was arrested (at the age of 71) for speaking Catalan? #TheCatalanLanguage

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