Liz Castro Profile picture
Founder of @AixetaInfo, a non-profit platform promoting creation. Also a writer and publisher. Mastadon:
Jun 8, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
Un entrevista interessant, @lluis_llach, i m’agraden els plans per la mobilització i per comunicar els efectes de la dependència, però… 1/2… … aquesta frase em torna a un dubte profund i dolorós: com tirem endavant amb fe quan no sabem per què no vau cumplir el que vau prometre? _Quan_ vas ser partidari de l’exili? I per què no erets partidari de declarar i fer efectiva la independencia que havíem votat? @lluis_llach Image
Jan 4, 2022 10 tweets 9 min read
What is Catalan? And why should you care? Here's @llenguacat 's answer.… “Compared to other languages with a similar demographic weight, Catalan is the most unprotected language in Europe”
May 7, 2018 19 tweets 4 min read
“Close your eyes and imagine a space in your house, a space that is 8 meters square. Now imagine a steel bed, a chair, a concrete bench, a toilet without a seat and a shower. Without walls or doors…”—@BassaMontse
(1 of 18) “Choose a colleague from work and imagine that they're shut in there with you for sixteen hours a day. One day after another for almost eighty days.”
(2 of 18)
Dec 4, 2017 8 tweets 4 min read
I know this @Guardian article will be well received in Catalonia (ooh, a UK paper says we should have free elections!) but it is hopelessly misinformed. Let me count the ways...… There has been absolutely NO credible offer from Spain in the last ten years for a fair deal for Catalonia. Promising is not doing. Not even signed agreements and budgeted items are respected.
Oct 27, 2017 35 tweets 5 min read
Reverse chronology of how we got to today: October 27, 2017, Parliament will meet to decide whether to proclaim the Catalan Republic.👇 October 26, President said he had offered elections if Spain backed off of taking control of Catalan govt, police, media. Spain said No.
Sep 27, 2017 5 tweets 2 min read
Catalan Police: “Several considerations communicated to Prosecutor's Office with respect to the tense situation that is being generated in relation to events of next October 1.”👇 “The application of the measures arrived at by the Prosecutor must be adapted to basic principles that are relevant to any police action.”