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Film-making| Journalism| Our real quest is to find the language in which we can forcefully protest our oppression.

Jan 4, 2022, 15 tweets

No grandstanding here but I believe that most commentators don't really know about the core of the #SulliDeals problem. There are thousands of quite educated (mostly UC H) accounts who think that Modi is not anti-Muslim enough.


The other side is Raita (not so brazenly vicious but more cunning and opportunistic). At this point in our history, there are thousands of well read and articulate young TRADS who glorify Godse, Dara Singh and Babu Bajrangi as heroes. They're extremely radicalized. Introspect?

So, a TRAD may agree with say a Togadia or Narsinghanand on violence but they would never agree on Dalits being treated same as Brahmins. This is how many young and educated Upper caste kids in the TRAD ecosystem think. There are even many RW accounts (Raitas) who oppose them.

It is good learning exercise for journalists. If you have alt-accounts then you must follow TRADS, thousands of them. You'll get a peak into a parallel dark India.

Raitas are celebrating a trad being arrested. Sharing screenshots for those who won't go into the nuances of RW radicalization.

Trads get support, RT, likes from jeπks like Ajeet Bharti who would pick up arguments of young cπiminals like Krunal Patel or Ritesh Jha to retrospectively justify their fiIth. Certain former IAS/ IPS officers engage with trads too. Trads use words like “Dhim'mi” to abμse Raitas.

Trads generally use this DPs like angry pics of Lord Ram and Parshuram or the viral Chad man meme. They present UC Hindus as a race whose blood is purest. That there are thousands and thousands of extremely privileged young Indian UC Hindus who believe this, is chilling.

Trads literally celebrate this:

Trads openly promote casteism and discrimination

Casteist and proud misogynists

Trads are more dangerous than the rest of RW for 2 reasons:

1) They're often well educated and violent anarchist lonewolves.

2) We have seen what radicalized keyboard warriors in Syria and Iraq went on to do. Even some people from the West joined their online movement.

This may seem to be a vile and criminal meme world right now but the kind of country India has become for its minorities, it will have serious consequences in the future. This is loose ecosystem of criminal madness.


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