David H. Montgomery Profile picture
"A French history podcaster and enormous goshdang nerd after our own hearts" — @andrewvandam. Host of @thesiecle; senior data journalist with @YouGovAmerica.

Jan 4, 2022, 7 tweets

Today’s #COVID19 report in MN reflects 4 days of data, important context for the record 16K cases reported.

BUT STILL: Today’s report is eye-popping. The omicron spike is *here*. And this is just one part of the state, the Twin Cities metro, being hit. Greater MN still flat-ish

This surge in cases is being led by 20-something adults, but we’re seeing spikes in every age group except seniors.

Hospitalizations lag behind case counts a bit, but there are some suggstions that MN’s decline in #COVID19 bed use may have leveled off.

And this data basically doesn’t yet include any infections from New Years parties (which last year led to a brief bump). Our cases today are mostly from last Wednesday and Thursday.

These multi-day reports are always a little wonky, and it’s possible SOME of the magnitude of the spike we’re seeing is an artifact of holiday reporting.

But that’s only a matter of margins. This COVID spike is here and it’s real.

Minnesota is, of course, far from alone in experiencing a spike like this, and the experience of states like IL are clear examples of how much higher we’ll likely go.

Hennepin and Ramsey County have literally NEVER reported as many new #COVID19 cases in a seven-day period as they are now.

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