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Posting and retweeting news since 2010, mostly on Ukraine

Jan 4, 2022, 21 tweets

Looks like they learned from #Belarus

Tear gas and stun grenades used in #Almaty

What the hell..

Police car reportedly on fire in Almaty

With "learned from Belarus" i meant the SUV's with the large "crowd control" shields in front (first pic from protests in #Belarus):

Multiple police cars on fire in #Almaty

President of #Kazakhstan introduced a state of emergency in #Almaty and Mangystau region

Looks like to anger Kazakh people is not a good idea 😬

Protesters in #Almaty push back military / internal troops, even armored vehicles fleeing

Large convoy of military trucks moving into #Almaty

Entry and exit to #Almaty is now restricted. I earlier read a lot of workers from rural areas participating in the cities.

Kazakh opposition leader calls on protesters to occupy city administrations

Clashes between National Guard troops and protesters continue in #Almaty this morning. Protesters on the move:

In Aktobe, protesters are attacking the regional administration building

Vehicles on fire in #Almaty this morning

Pictures of protesters on the move, some with shields and sticks

Clashes in #Almaty this morning. Police is using stun grenades:

Multiple military trucks set on fire in #Almaty

In #Almaty, protesters captured a special riot vehicle. Police is only watching here:

Pictures from #Almaty this morning:

Heavy clashes in front of the city council of #Almaty right now. Protesters try to storm it.

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