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Jun 11th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+473 (11/06) PdS2 - Tous fronts hors offensive & Arrière-scène

Dans la 5e dimension, la communication du CEMA🇺🇦 est nulle (rien dans le communiqué du jour), l'OPSEC est trop stricte et le narratif🇷🇺prospère


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Si vous avez perdu le fil, reprenez-le avec le N°CDLXXII-II de #GuerreEnUkraine


1/Front du #Louhansk, #Kupyansk-#Svatove-#Kreminna

(i) Dans les directions #Kupyansk-#Svatove, R.A.S.

La ligne de front est inchangée👇

R.A.S. = pas d’offensive, mais des échanges d’artillerie, reco, opés spéciales (bref, une guerre de positions) Image
Read 14 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
Iran to become ‘full-fledged’ SCO member in July

The Iranian foreign minister made the announcement from South Africa, where he took part in a ministerial meeting of the BRICS economic bloc…
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian revealed on 1 June that Iran’s accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will be completed in July.…
“We will become a full-fledged member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in July when the next summit of the association is to take place,” he told reporters on Thursday, according to Iran’s state-run Tasnim News Agency.…
Read 5 tweets
May 29th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+460 (29/05) PdS2 - Tous Théâtres hors #Donbass & Arrière-scène

Nul ne sait encore si les échanges aériens d'objets explosifs produiront ou non une défaite militaire mais ils sont de + en + nombreux

Alina Baikova💙💛

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Si vous avez loupé la chronique N°CDLIX-II de #GuerreEnUkraine, la voici👇



Prénom : Vladimir Vladimirovitch
Né le : 7 octobre 1952

Recherché pour crime de guerre de déportation illégale de population d'enfants et de transfert illégal de population d'enfants des zones occupées d'🇺🇦vers🇷🇺 ImageImage
Read 21 tweets
May 22nd 2023
@DrTedros "As you know, just under three weeks ago I declared an end to #COVID19 as a public health emergency of international concern.

It was a moment of relief and reflection.

It’s encouraging to see life return to normal – to be able to hug a friend, to travel freely, and to meet…… Image
@DrTedros "But at the same time, many of us continue to carry grief in our hearts – grief over those we have lost, grief at the terrible toll the pandemic has taken on families, communities, societies and economies, and grief that it didn’t need to be this way"-@DrTedros #WHA76
Read 56 tweets
May 17th 2023
❓Qual è il ruolo del #ChinaCentralAsiaSummit nella promozione della cooperazione BRI di alta qualità per la #Cina e i paesi dell'#Asia centrale?
Il vertice amplierà le intese comuni tra la #Cina e i paesi dell'#Asia centrale e stimolerà gli sforzi di entrambe le parti per rimanere in prima linea nella cooperazione #BRI di alta qualità.
Il vertice di Xi'an, dove iniziò l'antica Via della Seta, rinvigorirà la rotta commerciale millenaria per la costruzione di una comunità #Cina-#Asia centrale ancora più stretta con un futuro condiviso.
Read 7 tweets
May 7th 2023
Hoy es el Día del Defensor de la Patria de #Kazajistán / #Kazakhstan, así que lo celebramos con un hilo sobre este país, cuna de las manzanas, con la mayor estación aeroespacial del mundo, una capital ridícula que homenajeaba al (ex) líder y (casi) nada de Borat 🇰🇿 ImageImageImageImage
Empecemos por el final: la capital se llama Akmola. En realidad se llama Astaná. Y también se llamó Nur-sultán. Pero Nursultán es un tipo, el de la foto. Y era también una ciudad. Esta ciudad, con pirámides y cosas doradas, como de Supersónicos 👇

¿Cómo llegamos a esto? ImageImageImageImage
Kazajistán era un kanato heredero de la Horda Dorada, esos mongoles-túrquicos que alguna vez invadieron Moscú. Ya en esa época el islam era la religión predominante.

Para mediados del siglo XIX pasó a ser parte del Imperio Ruso, igual que casi toda Asia Central. ImageImageImage
Read 34 tweets
May 6th 2023
🇬🇧Welcome to Day 437 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine

If you are citizen of the Commonwealth, Happy Coronation Day, or if you're a Republican, just enjoy the weekend😅

This is the daily thread for Saturday with all the news in one thread, updated throughout the day.
Let's start in occupied #Crimea, where chat sites make pleasant reading this morning:

08:04 "A loud bang was heard in the #Krasnogvardeyskoye district"
08:05 "a good roar sounded. Dzhankoy-Krasnogvardeyskoye"
08:05 "strong 'cotton' in Krasnogvardeyskoye."

Here's what was seen
#Russia's Occupiers on #Crimea insist air defence worked in the north of Crimea "there were no casualties or destruction"

Oh but then the Kerch Bridge was unexpectedly closed. Guards told these people "threat of an attack" but later authorities say it's "for technical reasons"🤡
Read 43 tweets
May 2nd 2023
Nine years ago, #RussiaIsANaziState attacked Jews of #Odesa.

Simon Wiesenthal became our map. On 24 February, full scale #RussiaIsANaziState invasion began that included targeting Jews, killing Holocaust survivors, destroying #Holocaust memorials and using Russian
Protocols of Zion propaganda again for another #Holocaust. Except Odesa Jews were ready. It will take lifetime #RussiaIsANaziState does not have to understand what we did to stop them. #RussiaIsANaziState is collapsing. We ensured it.

You Rashists are never killing Jews again.
Not another pogrom Image
Read 15 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
In five years, #JoeBiden will likely get the #NobelPeacePrize. But not because he did anything proactively for peace.

It is because a #Multipolar World will be more peaceful than a unipolar one, and Biden has done more than anyone else (albeit unwittingly) to further that. (1/n)
The US-led #sanctions against #Russia in response to the #UkraineRussiaWar have forced countries around the world to abandon the US dollar as a medium of trade. This is forcing the rest of the world (non-West) together. Banning Russia from #swift was most important in this. (2/n)
#India and #China desperately need oil. Because of sanctions, Russia is providing oil at cheap rates to both. Russia has now become India's largest source of oil, displacing Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Chinese imports of Russian oil have also zoomed upwards. (3/n)
Read 18 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
@Visa @Mastercard @AmericanExpress @WhiteHouse @JoeBiden @ZelenskyyUa @vonderleyen

International trade in small arms for #WarCrimes in #Ukraine is on-going. Here is one such supplier - actively seeking weapons through @telegram using international payment services including…… ImageImageImageImage
4 Shooters - based in Davie, Florida (US)

Equipment and parts for #WarCrime weapons including the KP-9.

Payment #WarCrime partners - @Visa @Mastercard @AmericanExpress #Discover and #Check

4Shooters, Inc.
P.O. Box 551831
Davie, FL 33355

Next…… ImageImageImageImage
Bazalet - Based in Georgia, selling Zenitco products and successfully deliver all over the world

Military equipment suppliers for #WarCrimes in #Ukraine

Crypto / Wise payments - and @Visa and @Mastercard by phone

Next Partner in #WarCrimes 👇 ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
OK- at bail hearing in US v Miles Guo Wengui /Kwok and Yvette Wang: both are here, as is Inner City Press which will live tweet, thread below
Both plead not guilty. Judge Torres turns to Guo's bail application, "which the government opposes." Guo is in beige prison garb of MDC Brooklyn. Wang is in light blue.
Assistant US Attorney: This is a billion dollar fraud case. Pre Trial Services recommends detention. There is a risk of flight. He has at least 3 and as many as 11 passports...
Read 16 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
Parole d’experts @Oranogroup, le podcast pour se faire sa propre opinion sur le #nucléaire

"Le nucléaire au féminin"

#FemmeEtNucléaire (20 mn)… Image
Nombreuses sont les femmes qui s'engagent publiquement pour l'énergie reine 😇
Le sujet est désormais trop important pour notre avenir collectif pour rester silencieux.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
I’ve just returned from NE #Syria, where I visited the U.S. military’s RLZ base in Rumeilan, the al-Roj & al-Hol camps, as well as Ghuweiran Prison – all alongside @CENTCOM Commander Kurilla.

An incredibly insightful trip, with a lot of takeaways.
After arriving on a C-17 at RLZ -- the beating heart of the #Syria-based mission – I saw how U.S. troops operated multiple drone flights, collected & assessed ISR, monitored air traffic for hostile threats, and coordinated D-#ISIS operations across the northeast. Image
From Rmeilan, Arabic-speaking U.S. troops & civil-military teams are working closely with the #SDF, Asayish, tribal councils in #Iraq & #Syria and the Iraqi government to facilitate the return of 600+ Iraqis from prisons and camps every 4-6 weeks -- an absolutely vital effort.
Read 21 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
1.❗️ #Russia bypassing sanctions receives key technologies for the war in #Ukraine through third countries, #Bloomberg.

According to the publication, Russian imports in general have largely returned to pre-war levels in 2020, and an analysis of trade⬇️…
2. data suggests that modern chips and integrated circuits produced in the #EU and other allied countries are being supplied to #Russia via third countries such as #Turkey, #UAE and #Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan is a key example. In 2022, the country exported⬇️…
3. $3.7 million worth of advanced semiconductors to #Russia, up from just $12,000 the year before the war.

In the period from 2017 to 2021, the #RussianFederation annually bought advanced chips and integrated circuits for an average of 163 million dollars from the #EU,⬇️ Image
Read 7 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
On 10 February 2023, the local executive body (Akimat) of Burlinsky District, West #Kazakhstan Region, issued a refusal to hold a peaceful protest on 18 February 2023 in response to a notification submitted by civil activist #BAITEMIROV Yedige. Image
Topic: to register all independent parliamentary candidates and independent parties.
The reason for the politically motivated refusal: the holding of sports events and an agricultural fair on that exact same day, time and place.

A total of 11 refusals to hold peaceful assemblies in February 2023 on the topic of registration of all independent parties and parliamentary candidates were documented.

#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
#IACD2021 #torture
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Feb 22nd 2023
On 6 February 2023, the local executive body (Akimat) of #Almaty issued a refusal to hold a peaceful protest on 12 February 2023 in response to a notification from a member of the organising committee for the creation of the opposition party “Alga #Kazakhstan” Aset #ABISHEV.
Topic: register all independent parliamentary candidates and independent parties.
Reason for the politically motivated refusal: previously agreed events (Article 14, Part 1, Paragraph 10 of the law on the organisation and holding of peaceful assemblies). .
Reason for the politically motivated refusal: previously agreed events (Article 14, Part 1, Paragraph 10 of the law on the organisation and holding of peaceful assemblies).

#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
#IACD2021 #torture
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Feb 16th 2023
Today during the new phase of #UkraineRussiaWar, I'll talk about why Nordic, Eastern Europeans and Central Asians want #Russia to be disintegrated, and how pro-Russian supporters seek to undermine these narratives. Thread. 🧵 Image
The map of Russia is very big. Including the Kaliningrad exclave, Russia borders 13 countries on land and one country at the sea. However, Tsarist and Soviet conquests also led to Russia having some sort of influence beyond the border. Image
Being an inland empire, Russia expanded via land, a different compared to typical Western maritime empires. And Russia has, for a long time, treated its colonies in a brutal, repressive manner. ImageImageImageImage
Read 68 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
1/5 31 January 2023
On 1 February 2023, at 14:30 a.m. (Aktobe time) in the Specialised Inter-district Criminal Court of Aktobe region, a verdict in the politically motivated criminal case under Article 272 Part 2 ("participation in mass disorders")

2/5 against 18 people will be pronounced:
#AZHNIYAZOV Yernur, #SHAMURATOV Kuat, #AMANGOSOV Bekzhan, #KUTTYBAYEV Yerkebylan, #AKHMETOV Rustem, #KAMI Darkhan, #ӘBIYEV Darkhan, #KUSPANOV Berik, #ӨMIRYAL Nurken, #BEKEYEV Ablayhan

3/5 #ISAYEV Nursultan, #BAIMURATOV Kairat, #ISKAKOV Zhadyger, #MUKHIT Nurbek, #YESMURZAYEVA Zhanna, #DAUKEN Umirbek, #SADVAKASOV Arnold, #OMAROV Aslanbek.
Those wishing to attend the trial as observers are welcome to do so.
Prosecutor Asel #TANALIYEVA.
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Feb 7th 2023
On 11 January 2023 political prisoner Kazybek #KUDAIBERGENOV attempted suicide.
By taking his own life Kazybek wanted to draw attention to the lawlessness going on in Kazakhstan

2/5 On 28 November 2022, Judge #ALIYEV Duman sentenced Kazybek KUDAIBERGENOV to 17 years in prison in a trumped-up and politically motivated criminal case

3/5 After the suicide attempt, when meeting with officials, Kazybek said that he did not agree with the verdict. That he did not commit the actions he was charged with

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Feb 6th 2023
On February 7, 2023, at 10:00 (Atyrau time), an offline court of appeal will be held in the #Atyrau Regional Court in a politically motivated criminal case regarding:

@hrw @amnesty @omctorg

We invite everyone to come to the court as observers.

On December 19, 2022, Bekizhan #Mendygaziev was sentenced to 5 years and 1 month in prison, with life deprivation of the right to hold leadership positions in commercial organizations, with confiscation of property.
The term of imprisonment is counted from June 3, 2021 (1 day for one and a half).
Baurzhan #Dzhusupov was sentenced to 5 years in prison (previously, on July 26, 2021, Baurzhan Dzhusupov was sentenced to 5.5 years in prison).

@RepMalinowski @IJoveva @AgnesEvren
Read 9 tweets
Feb 6th 2023

On the night of February 4-5, 2023, #journalist Dinara #Egeubayeva reported that an armed attack (with a pistol) had been committed on her son.
The son of Dinara Egeubayeva is a citizen of a member state of the #EuropeanUnion.
This attack is connected not only with the self-nomination of Dinara Egeubayeva as a deputy to the Mazhilis from a single-mandate district in #Almaty, but also with her consistent and fair criticism of #Tokayev, interviews with victims of torture in January 2022,

@hrw @OSCE
and the requirements of an international investigation into the January executions and #torture.

This armed attack on the son of Dinara Egeubayeva is part of a systemic attack by the #Kazakh authorities on her.

@amnesty @omctorg @freedomhouse
Read 7 tweets
Feb 4th 2023
February 2, 2023


Politically motivated criminal prosecution of civil activist Gulzhan #Muratbaeva.

Gulzhan Muratbayeva is summoned for questioning on February 3, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. in connection with

@hrw @freedomhouse @omctorg
#ActivistsNotExtremists ImageImage
a politically motivated criminal case opened against her under article 405 part 2 (“participation in an extremist organization”)as a witness with the right to defense.
Investigator #Rakhimov Nurdaulet.
@amnesty @UN_HRC
#Magnitsky #NoToCooruption
The previous interrogation was on December 21, 2022. She was asked about her relationship to opposition politician Mukhtar #Ablyazov, the peaceful opposition movements #DCK and #Koshe Partiyasy.

@Left_EU @ecrgroup @EP_HumanRights Image
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Feb 4th 2023
February 2, 2023 #Semey

Civil activist and head of the public association "#Mukalmas" in the city of Semey(an organization engaged in election observation) Kenzhebek #Sultanbekov demands that the authorities of #Kazakhstan conduct

@hrw @freedomhouse
an international investigation into executions and torture in January 2022.
K.Sultanbekov demands from the authorities of KZ to stop his political persecution for participating in a peaceful protest in the city of Semey on January 5, 2022, for organizing election observation,
and for demanding that those responsible for the murder of Zhandos Zhotabaev (died from torture) in January 2022 be punished.

Kenzhebek Sultanbekov demands a thorough investigation into the murder of Zhandos #Zhotabaev, who died from #torture in temporary detention center ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
Putin ha iniziato a perdere influenza nello spazio post-sovietico, afferma una analisi di Bloomberg.

La guerra in Ucraina ha spinto le ex repubbliche sovietiche dell'Asia centrale e del Caucaso a cercare sempre più modi per ridurre la propria dipendenza dal Cremlino.
In questo contesto, la Turchia, l'Unione Europea e una serie di altri attori stanno rafforzando la loro influenza nella regione. Mosca è consapevole della situazione e sta reagendo nervosamente, anche duramente.
Per decenni, la Russia ha agito come "un cane da guardia nell'Eurasia settentrionale, dove non sarebbe accaduto molto se al Cremlino non fosse piaciuto", spiega la politologa Ekaterina Shulman (inclusa nel registro degli agenti dei media stranieri).
Read 14 tweets

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