Lazarus Long Profile picture
If you have to say goodbye to your dog, be there in person. Hold them. Don't let them die with just the vet. #CoVidIsAirborne #Masks4All #PZC.

Jan 5, 2022, 10 tweets

A quick thread on why elastomeric respirators are better than N95's.

In short? Like N95/N99 disposables are better than surgical/cloth masks?

Primarily, fit. Not that fit πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡.

How it fits to your face.

For a number of different reasons that may surprise you.

First off, getting the respirator to actually fit to your face.

Not all facial geometries are the same.

The Fit Test Panels used to evaluate fit, I submit, do not have enough women or Asians.

Archived the pdf here:…

Study here:…

So, no surprise that with N95 disposables that πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

High - level:…

Direct Study Link:……

Do elastomerics fit easier? Yes - because of the elastomeric material (another way of saying 'rubber-like', but usually made of medical grade silicone.

So when comparing the two, we find a huge difference:

With 60 subjects from the ASA, 98% of elastomerics passed fit testing

versus 57% of disposables.

And the single failed fit test for the elasto's? She switched from a medium to a small and passed.…

In this next study:…

87% of participants had experience with elastomerics or disposables.

Only 1.3% had experience with elastos.

So, they were largely experienced at wearing N95's.

Yet, after watching just a 9 minute video, 92% were able to successfully fit the elastos's vs 88.5% in the N95's that they were experienced at.

Let's move on.

Speaking of movement, elastomerics keep their fit much better during movement.

Do you move during your job? Cook?

Clean? Do things as manually involved as CPR?

Then you will want an elasto.


N95's performance during CPR was poor. (Filtering Face piece Respirator πŸ‘‡).

But elastomeric half-mask respirators' (EHMRs) performance was high.

This study confirmed

this next study, that CPR causes N95's to lose fit.

Their conclusion is stark and very real.…

Let's end on a light note.

Elastomeric respirators?

They let you keep fit and having fun!

With clean lungs!

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