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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Jan 5, 2022, 6 tweets

Happy 80th birthday Maurizio Pollini 🎂
📷 Mathias Bothor
"His technique allows you to forget technique. What comes through in all Pollini's performances is an approach to the music – a direct approach, aristocratically clear, powerfully & generously articulated."
- Edward Said

Listening to Maurizio Pollini's beautiful new Chopin disc from @DGclassics
"The music of Chopin has been with me my entire life, since I was a boy. My love for it has become greater and greater for years."
Great cover photo by Cosimo Filippini…

Cosimo Filippini has photographed Maurizio Pollini for a number of @DGclassics covers, including the complete Beethoven sonatas

Maurizio Pollini by Barbara Pflaum, 1966

Gianni Giansanti
Maurizio Pollini at La Scala, 1987

Maurizio Pollini & Claudio Abbado play #PingPong with Gustavo Dudamel. Not sure who the fourth player is.

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