Niall of the Bogside Nine Profile picture
🔥 I want to believe in a freedom that's bold 🔥 But all I remember is the freedom of old 🔥 #ACAB 🔥 All you do is call me, I'll be anything you need. 🔥

Jan 5, 2022, 5 tweets


It seems Mitch Bates has gone SM dark.

That's ok, Mitch.

We picked up some receipts.


@22ColeRin @Detrumpify_org @jocejocejoe


For instance, Mitch posted photos of himself in the hat, pants, and shoes that he wore inside the Capitol on January 6th.


I believe I mentioned Mitch has already faced a possession of a firearm by a felon charge in the past....

Stupidity and TikToc are a hell of a combination.

Are those the same goddamn shoes, Mitch?


But seriously, Mitch, if you aren't posting videos of yourself getting your bills... dodging traffic on Williamsport Pike... with a billboard of a business right up the road...

"Where tha fuck ya at?"


And so, Mitch, I once again leave you with a "West By God" farewell.

Folks, having deep, deep WV roots myself, I can assure you that while Mitch does represent a section of WV... he doesn't represent all of WV.

Happy New Year, Mitch!

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