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used to work at @TPostMillennial NEWs and politics. FIND ME A JOB. Also, go to church on Sunday.

Jan 6, 2022, 36 tweets

I don't know how to start this off other than saying the claims in this post about Jack Murphy seem to check out.

There are solid claims that John Goldman (Jack Murphy) grifted the DC school system. I looked into it.

The claims against Jack Murphy (John Goldman) amounts to the plot of the 2019 movie "Bad Education."

People cheat the school system's funding to enrich themselves by basically hiring their own people.

The claims against Jack Murphy indicate this scheme.

Given what I'm going to talk about I see no reason for anyone in the political scene to trust Jack Murphy (John Goldman) again.

And all I'll need to do is quote passages from a book to make this point. That's the weirdest part about it.

In a previous life, Jack Murphy (John Goldman) made over a million dollars cheating the DC charter school system.…

"In 2012, TenSquare recruited Goldman to serve as executive director of IDEA Public Charter School.[...] between 2011 and 2016, WEDJ and IDEA collectively paid Goldman more than $1.1 million..."

The underlying grift behind Jack Murphy's employer TenSquare was working as a DC charter school consulting firm that PROMISED to make schools better, while in reality making them MUCH worse off.

So in essence, the claims against Jack Murphy put him in this scheme to bilk the DC area's money through TenSquare.

**FOR THE RECORD: I have checked to make sure this is the SAME John Goldman that now goes under the identity of Jack Murphy.

It's him, people.…

Even in the free previews for "A Charter School Principal's Story," whistleblower Barbara Smith outlines Jack Murphy's schemes.

"Goldman sent me a copy of the TenSquare audit. While I was shocked at the contents of the report, which in my opinion bordered on slander..."

**TO PUT IT IN NORMIE TERMS: Jack Murphy was involved in a situation where TenSquare cheated to make it seem like school systems were in trouble and needed rescuing.…

BUT THE THING IS Jack Murphy (John Goldman) is mentioned HEAVILY in Barbara Smith's book, that outlines how Murphy fucked people over.…

so beyond this point I'm opening the DOOR to what cost me fifteen dollars to access.

But seriously Barbara Smith makes Jack Murphy a central character in this book so it matters.

But I made my main points so from here on out I'm just sharing the parts where Jack Murphy comes up in Barbara Smith's book.

"John Goldman [Jack Murphy] cares a lot about the school system. He seems neat!"

I mean this is how detailed Barbara Smith is going to get about Jack Murphy's involvement in the DC school system. So get used to this because it's how Murphy got over a million dollars out of them at the end.

ESPECIALLY the minascule shit. Jack Murphy had a hand in cost-cutting measures.

I.E. the FINANCES of the DC schools in question, here.

"Part of Manahan’s report had been prepared by EdOps, a company hired by Goldman to manage school finances."

Yes. THIS is how intimately involved in financials for DC schools that Jack Murphy was involved with.

Facts like this matter, especially when we get to the end.

I mean this is high-level shit but even I can understand that Jack Murphy had SIGNIFICANT hiring and firing power over people in the school system.

Like even when it comes to the small details, Jack Murphy had a say.

BUT, the truth about Jack Murphy: "I did try to sit down with John Goldman on many occasions to co-plan for the future, but his typical response was something like, I don’t care how you do it, just get the scores up."




(APPARENTLY there's a "John Goldman WEDJ Commitment Award")

(Sweet chocolate christ, I don't wanna know more)

> "Some of my first discussions with John Goldman centered around how he had restored fiscal integrity to the school,"...

the book comes back around to this for a reason

"In our first school year Manahan and I inherited the budget developed by Goldman in his Executive Director role."




^^ and THIS my frens, is what creates the Jack Murphy GRIFT.

The money quote is Jack Murphy made school systems seemingly WORSE in the long run for short term personal gains.

The second half of Barbara Smith's book details how Jack Murphy was unethical and screwed people over.

"Goldman disagreed with me publicly and indicated his goal was to “win.”"

"In the end, Goldman controlled the final list of goals."

Jack Murphy in his element, people.

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨"he admitted to me often that it was difficult to work with John Goldman and that it was his teachers, not TenSquare, who turned around his school."

🚨🚨🚨🚨Jack Murphy is such a fucking bully that he OUSTED Barbara Smith from the DC IDEA school in this way.

For basically seeing through his crap.

"Goldman never responded to this note or made any effort to clarify or explain why he was not evaluating my complete performance."

Because Jack Murphy is a fucking asshole.

"Goldman indicated that as a result of their performance review, they wanted me to resign."

People wonder why John Goldman changed his name to Jack Murphy? Look no further

For real, this is the page I paid fifteen dollars for.

THIS is where Barbara Smith outlines the GRIFT of John Goldman (Jack Murphy).

Right here.

In conclusion: Jack Murphy should NEVER be allowed back into politics because he has a history as a SCAMMER grifting over a million dollars from the DC school system.

Now go away

I'd link to proof but it'd be dox territory

Here's an Amazon link to the book. Please read it since I did a SparkNotes version summarizing the relevant crap.…

Please do me a favor and keep Jack Murphy the fuck away from politics.

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