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Director @britishfuture. Author of How to be a Patriot @HarperNorthUK New: Culture Clash

Jan 6, 2022, 10 tweets

Maybe it's time to stop labelling "conspiracy theorists" pejoratively, since its now plain that "a network of Fascists" have undertaken a "global palace coup", manipulating a pretend emergency to impose their New World Order, writes Mr Nawaz, @LBC's leading conspiracy theorist.

Mr Nawaz regards Facebook warning followers about his repeatedly spreading false information as proof of the conspiracy to suppress the truth about the conspiracy ...

One difficulty is that challenge to spreading conspiratorial material - for example, from Members of Parliament; or from platforms - is taken as validation.

Mr Nawaz had intended to ressume his broadcasting in the new year - but will leave immediately, with no contract renewal on offer.

My sense is his increasingly strong language about fascism & conspiracies has generated significant internal concern.

Mr Nawaz's own response to the news makes fairly clear that this was not a mutual decision. It seems clear it was the decision of the radio station, not to offer a renewal, and also for him to cease presenting immediately, before the end of his existing (soon to expire) contract.

Mr Nawaz has posted - on his social media account - that "he refuses to go quietly into the night" and will shortly set up a substack newsletter, for subscribers, which will be dedicated to "resisting the democratization of the truth"

Though only a couple of LBC voices went public with their concerns - particularly @IainDale and Matthew Thompson earlier over the US election conspiracies - media reporters say that a lot of other voices were concerned about the conspiracy theory material

Mr Nawaz says that his contract runs until April 2022. The LBC decision to end the show immediately, 3 months early, has happened suddenly. He had expected to return tomorrow after a Christmas break.

The actor Laurence Fox has launched a campaign to boycott the LBC broadcaster, saying he only listened to Mr Nawaz on the station.

Does this mean Fox will not appear on LBC this year?

My personal guess is Fox & his fledgling political party "Reclaim" will *not* actually boycott LBC across the year, but tbc over the weeks/months to come. The broadcaster may cease to invite him given declaration of a boycott

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