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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Jan 6, 2022, 8 tweets

.@BretBaier to Liz Cheney: Americans "also listened to a pitch for voting rights bills H.R. 1 & H.R. 4 are both bills you voted against. Democrats are linking those to make a sales pitch for passing those pieces of legislation based on the work of your committee and this day."

.@BretBaier: "When you hear Trump supporters point to that speech that he made on the Mall saying supporters should peacefully...march to the Capitol, what do you say?"

Cheney: "Look, I think you have to look at...the intent to which he was urging people to fight like hell."

.@BretBaier: "It sounds like, Congresswoman, that the goal of the committee, perhaps, is to go after Trump's inner circle & prevent the former President from running...again. Is that a fair assessment[?]"

Cheney says it's to "prevent an attack...from ever happening again."

Excellent question to Liz Cheney from @BretBaier: "What about the security failure here...Chairman Thompson has announced...there is no call for those documents for the House Sergeant of Arms? Why is that if it's designed to prevent something like this from happening again?"

Liz Cheney claims the January 6 Committee is "very focused on" the security failures at the U.S. Capitol, but then chides @BretBaier and people asking these questions b/c it's like blaming "small business owners" for "Antifa and BLM rioters" burning down their businesses

.@BretBaier to Cheney: "What do you say to somebody...who may say, 'listen, I think that day was horrible...but I'm worried about getting my kids to school...I'm worried about the next economic blip...& they look at the focus on 1/6 & say, 'why is" this "get[ting] pushed off[?]'"

Liz Cheney: "I absolutely share those concerns...I'm a conservative Republican. I believe that the policies of the Biden administration are bad for this country, but...if we want to...advocate conservative policies again, we have got to tell the truth about January 6."

Those are a few of the notable exchanges. He also asked about what she made of the speeches from President Biden and Vice President Harris, the comparisons between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, her standing with the Wyoming GOP, and who has what title on the committee. (8/8)

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