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Husband - Father - Education Advocate - Champ For All Kids - Public Speaker

Jan 7, 2022, 12 tweets

Our country has seen some mighty dark days. In my lifetime, after most of these days, I’ve watched people from all walks of life come together in some powerful ways.

We usually hear cries of “Never Forget” in commemoration of these tragedies. 1/12

But I find it quite befuddling as to what some choose to “Never Forget”.

With various states passing legislation that seeks to minimize teaching true & accurate history of the United States we must step up and ask:
What happened to “Never Forget”? 2/12

The indigenous people of this land we call home, characterized as “merciless Indian Savages” in our Declaration of Independence, were degraded, enslaved, robbed of their land, and slaughtered.

What happened to “Never Forget”? 3/12

In 1619, The White Lion, a ship carrying “20 and odd negroes”(Rolfe) landed in Virginia. These humans were traded as livestock to become the first enslaved Africans in the U.S., sparking the destruction of black bodies for centuries.

What happened to “Never Forget?”4/12

In 1661, the first anti-miscegenation statute, prohibiting marriage between races, was written into law in Maryland. In 1960, 21 states (mostly southern) still held these laws.

Of note, Alabama was last to repeal it in…wait for it…2000 😮
What happened to “Never Forget”?5/12

For 400 years, enslaved Africans were raped, beaten & tortured while building a country they couldn’t participate in. Mr. Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, & Jackson all enslaved black people while in office.

What happened to “Never Forget”? 6/12

With the Emancipation Proclamation, freedom seemed within reach. Black folks could finally make a way for themselves - but not so fast - Black Codes, KKK, Jim Crow, segregation, mass incarceration, & a host of other impediments to progress.

What happened to “Never Forget”? 7/12

“Black soldiers were often denied benefits guaranteed under the G.I. Bill - tuition assistance, job placement, & home & business loans.” These veterans were deprived opportunities to gain wealth from home equity.

What happened to “Never Forget”? 8/12

Across America, in every metropolitan area, federal, state, & local governments purposely created segregated communities (Rothstein), depriving access to equitable education, healthcare, economic opportunities, etc.

What happened to “Never Forget”? n.pr/3FfiX9L

Now, the “Never Forget” crew, who’d rather claim historical amnesia or “not my fault” for the ills of the past, have not only forgotten, but excused the treasonous, seditious behavior of 1/6/2021 as, somehow, patriotic. 10/12

Change the complexion of those who stormed the Capitol on 1/6/2021 & the “Never Forget” crew would be calling for heads. Imagine the death toll if this crowd was black…

Don’t trip…

There’s a whole thread above related to the historical treatment of POC in this country. 11/12

We can’t pick & choose what we “Never Forget”.

We must acknowledge how we got here - ALL OF IT! In confronting the truth of our past we will learn how to build brighter tomorrows.

We will heal.
We will rise.
We will Transform. 12/12

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