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Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Jan 7, 2022, 6 tweets

"Can we hear it for constitutional patriots like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger," said @RepRaskin tonight.

"Progressives and liberals can never defeat fascism on their own."

"It is always progressives and liberals and the center right that come together to defend democracy."

"We saved democracy," says @RepJayapal of Jan 6.

"And when I say 'we' I am not talking about 'we members of congress.' I am talking about 'we the people'" she says, commending those who voted out Trump.

She adds there "wasn't enough courage" to convict Trump on impeachment.

DC Congresswoman @EleanorNorton pointed out that DC's local police department worked to defend the Capitol "yet House Republicans fight DC by fighting against the DC statehood bill only a few months after the attack."

"January 6 can either mark the end of our democracy or the beginning of our march towards expansion of rights and justice and equity and fairness for all," said @RepEscobar.

"And I choose the latter."

Senator @VanHollenForMD said that "while the violent mob failed to overturn the results of the election one year ago, that the 'big lie' did not end there."

He says he sees "the big lie materializing in a different form" of state-level voter suppression.

Here is my uncut video of the January 6 anniversary speeches by Representatives Jamie Raskin, Pramila Jayapal, Eleanor Holmes Norton, and Veronica Escobar as well as Senator Chris Van Hollen.

As always, all footage available to license.

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