Àgbà Akin Profile picture
Tech, Politics, CEO @swiftspeedapp

Jan 7, 2022, 19 tweets

Congratulations, you are seeing this Tweet. Kickstarting your career in Tech has been fruitful as we will be coming to the end of HTML after today's class


Again I will break this down like you are 4 years old, kindly retweet for others, and join.

Dear students' welcome to your last class on HTML.

If you are just joining us, we have had two previous classes; follow me and on to avoid missing classes and take all two previous classes using the Twitter Moment on my pinned tweet.


The <div>, a block-level element, allows you to section into separate, logical divisions.
The id attribute provides you with the ability to give any element a unique identifier. This identifier can later be used to apply specific styles with CSS

Use the <img> tag to embed an image into your web page with an src attribute containing a file path to the image you want to be included.

Use the alt attribute to provide alternative text with a description of the image if it doesn’t load or read by a screen reader

There are more applications and exceptions with a few minutes of video. I will recommend you watch it here



There’re instances where you’ll want to present a table of data on your web page. Let’s dive straight in and convert the table below into HTML.

If you haven’t worked with tabular data before, it will be useful to know that a table consists of rows & columns.

Class Exercise1. Let us create an HTML table

Write out this code or copy it from the website and paste it into your IDE. Study the functions and take screenshots and post them in the comment


forms are how we receive user input on our web pages. If you’ve ever visited a blog and left a comment or used your credit card online to purchase something, you have used HTML forms to interact with the web page you were visiting.

We’ve seen how the <input> element can accept text values. There are several different type values that can be used, including:
•text: for plain text
•password: to obscure a password input field
•search: to indicate the text field is used for searching a page/multiple pages

•url: validates input as a URL address
•tel: for inputting phone numbers
•email: validates input as an email address


An HTML <button> element should be used whenever you want to create a clickable button to perform some action on the page. <button> elements are simple to define and have three different type values:
•submit: submits form data to a server

•reset: resets all the data in the current form
•button: no default behavior. This type of button will be more useful when we begin Javascript.

let us create a full Login Page. In this code, if you want to know what each line is used for, just type it out to your IDE

Do not worry if yours is not as fine as mine. I applied CSS lol. And that is our next topic


You can use <select> (with nested <option>) elements to create a drop-down selection of items that a user can choose from: Including the selected attribute in an <option>


+ checkboxes with input The <input> element has other type values that accept inputs other than text.

For instance, radio buttons can be used to create a list of options where you only want one option selected:

Last but not the least is

+ checkboxes with input The <input> element has other type values that accept inputs other than text.

For instance, radio buttons can be used to create a list of options where you only want one option selected:

Oh my Godness, did we just finish HTML? Yes, Yes, we just did!. Please do not forget to check out the website. There are more important detailed explanations.

Good news and scholarships are coming. Follow @SwiftspeedT

Video might help below too.

Video Summary of this class part 1

Full detail on akinolaakeem.com/css-and-javasc…

Video Summary of this class part 2

Full detail on akinolaakeem.com/css-and-javasc…

Summary of todays class. Last part😉 akinolaakeem.com/css-and-javasc…

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