Àgbà Akin Profile picture
Tech, Politics, CEO @swiftspeedapp
olokomeji.plena Profile picture Nedu Micheal Profile picture Metar Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jan 3 28 tweets 7 min read
Congratulations, you are seeing this Tweet; here is a life-changing opportunity to transition into tech this year; we will be starting our coding journey today.


I'll explain like you are 5 years old; please retweet for others, and let's begin!! Welcome to your first class on HTML. To avoid missing subsequent classes, kindly follow me.

I have Tweeted many threads on the ocean of opportunities flowing in tech at the moment and how you can tap into it, they are all published on aptLearn, and you might wanna check later.
Jan 3, 2023 19 tweets 6 min read
Congratulations, you are seeing this Tweet; here is a life-changing opportunity to transition into tech this year; we will be starting our coding journey.

I'll explain like you are 5 years old; please retweet for others, and let's begin!! Welcome to your first class on HTML. To avoid missing subsequent classes, kindly follow me and turn on the post notification.

I have Tweeted many threads on the ocean of opportunities flowing in tech at the moment; we are taking a big step Today.
Jan 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
10am tomorrow I am starting a new year revolution that will most likely change many life forever and make you a millionaire.

I’ll be teaching:

> (html, CSS & JavaScript)
> app development using (Flutter)
> connect best students to (recruiter)

Pls retweet for others and here’s how this will go. Follow me to avoid missing these updates

We have a well define course to follow and track our progress, this will also help me assess you as students with lesson quizzes. However full explanation will be done with twitter thread with video where possible
Jan 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Congratulations you’re seeing this tweet, it’s the scholarship exam day of incoming world class software engineers.

Please ensure you read instructions before you start your exam, you’ll receive your result immediately you’re done😉.

Retweet for others and fetch link below👇🏽 Please find full instructions below.

Take your time to read and when you’re done reading start your exam here:

Dec 23, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Are you interested in learning these skills?

•UI/UX Design
•Project Management
•Data Analysis
•Cyber Security
•Technical Writing
•Product Management
•Digital Marketing
•Web Development

For free?

Retweet this and follow me! Indicate and I’ll reply with a free course. I wish I can reply almost 900 comments 😂😭. Unfortunately I can’t so let me do a thread of those courses

For programming and web development

May 7, 2022 21 tweets 5 min read
Congratulations you’re seeing this tweet, it’s been a while, and I get asked a lot about making money in tech. I’ve, or I’m still learning to code; how do I monetize my craft?

Money is a good motivation, and here’s how to fund your passion in tech, retweet for others, & let’s go I’ve been teaching your how to fish for months now, but this is a special thread where I intend to replace the previous bait with an attractive one.

When you catch the biggest fish, you can dine and wine with em tech bros 😉, follow me if you’re not doing so already and let’s
May 5, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I talk about building your own project a lot if job don’t come after learning web development.

In this thread, I’ll talk about starting your own project using my top API’s. Hi, welcome to another web development thread, to avoid missing my educative threads like this, kindly give me a follow.

Let’s get to business

What’s API?
API simply means (application programming interface) this are services created by companies to allow the public use their
May 3, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Do you want to make everything easy for you as a developer or learner who uses CSS?

This thread is for you Hi, I’m a developer advocate and I create and teach programming using twitter thread. I’d appreciate a follow😉, and promise to help your Journey.

In this thread, I’ll be mentioning important css tools they can help your workflow.
Feb 28, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
Congratulations, you are seeing this tweet. JavaScript will make you rich this year with another life-changing opportunity to transition into tech On:

JavaScript 6 (Building)

I'll teach you like babies😉. Kindly retweet for other students, & open. Welcome to another JavaScript Class. If you are a new student or coming across my profile for the first time, and this sounds like a path you want to explore this year.

Kindly give me a follow and check my pinned tweet to start from the beginning; if you need help, just tag me.
Feb 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Do you have a good mobile app idea? Here’s how to build an app without learning to code and start generating revenue as early as next week

->Think of an app idea
->Go to swiftspeedappcreator.com and signup
->Design and create your first app
->Integrate Admob
->Put app on Store Create the app here. @Swiftspeedapp
Jan 31, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Whilst our programming class is on revision break until Mon February 14th, here’s what I’ve been busy doing.

I’ve been in contact with a MacBook sales company to negotiate a 40% discount to assist with our cause.

So yes, my students can now buy MacBook for as low as 120k ImageImage This is a very good deal and I’m still in conversation to go a bit lower to 50% off,

I understand some of my student have gotten for themselves last week and they still have couple left in store

Hurry now and reach out to “Zillions Computer Company” wa.me/message/JCA4JM…
Jan 24, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
Congratulations, you are seeing this tweet. JavaScript will make you rich this year with another life-changing opportunity to transition into tech. On a:

Title: JavaScript 3

I'll teach you like babies😉. Kindly retweet for other students, & open. Welcome to another JavaScript Class. If you are a new student or coming across my profile for the first time, and this sounds like a path you want to explore this year.

Kindly give me a follow and check my pinned tweet to start from the beginning; if you need help, just tag me.
Jan 23, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
Big Win for you for seeing this tweet.

Whether or not you’re about to pick a major in college or considering switching to tech, you’ve probably heard how high the salary can be.

Here’s 8 highest paying tech jobs in tech with analysis, stats & fact. Kindly retweet for others. Before we proceed, I teach programming and web development using Twitter threads and web properties, if this sounds interesting to you, give me a follow and start the course from my pinned tweet.

Now let’s proceed, By pursuing one of the best-paying jobs in technology,
Jan 21, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
When I started teaching how to code earlier this year, I said will also be a source of motivation to you everyday.

I’ve decided to host a challenge. Winner 💰

Use your knowledge of html $ css to create this simple website using this wireframe. Kindly retweet for other students. Image To submit your entry, you must follow below instructions

1. Copy and paste both your html & css code to pastebin
2. Screenshot or screen record your page
3. Qoute this tweet with screenshot/record
4. Tag me and @SwiftspeedT
5. Use hashtag CodeWithAgbaAkin

Entry ends in 24hours
Jan 19, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
JavaScript is the price, so congratulations, you are seeing this tweet. Here is another life-changing opportunity to transition into tech this year.

Title: JavaScript 2

I'll teach you like babies, kindly retweet for other students, and open Welcome to your 2nd class on JavaScript.

If you are coming across my profile for the first, and you will be interested in learning to code and following up, Kindly give me a follow and on my post notifications to avoid missing, Tech mentorship, Classes, Tips, and more.
Jan 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Tech bro Lmfao!!! Why are you wiping your face, is that you dozing at 1:50am? Are you joking? You need to start moving right.

Java isn’t a bag of tea nor is JavaScript a piece of cake. Stand the f up and code now before I step in🙄. If I have to explain to some of you senior dev that nobody is pressuring them and this tweet is just cruise because clearly, If you’re not already awake by this time you can’t see this tweet.

So save yourself the stress and fuck off my quote fr, you’re not the targeted audience.
Jan 17, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
Congratulations for seeing one of the best tweets you will read online today; we are starting our JavaScript coding Journey from scratch on a full:

Topic: Introduction to JavaScript

I’ll explain in detail, kindly retweet for others, and open I want to specifically congratulate you for coming this far. Thousands of people started with us, and thousands have dropped halfway despite HTML and CSS being the simplest of what's to come.

Understandably so, I do not blame them, never, because tech/coding is not for everyone.
Jan 17, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Typed a whole class out and the entire thing was deleted wtf wtf man, with this, are you a human verification bots prompt by Twitter and i was not able to save draft. Fuck
Jan 16, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Congratulations you’re seeing this tweet; we’ve always talked about how to get into tech; I’ve started teaching you how to code, now let’s talk about how to make millions while learning this.

If you need money to fund your passion in tech, kindly retweet for others & open👇🏽 Acquiring a digital skill can be somewhat hard, especially when you have no money to motivate and fund your passion, in this thread I’d teach you how I made up to 2k$ while still learning how to code.

If you wish to learn programming, kindly give me a follow and check my pinned
Jan 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m writing a Masterclass thread now you can make money while learning how to code.

But I need motivation, 500 likes in 1 hour and we have a deal 👍.😂 You people 200 likes in 2 minutes 😭😭. Let me start writing it
Jan 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This guy hacked my Instagram I said wait a bit and I hacked it back from him. From Tel Aviv o.

What will my small account do for you now He changed my username from kynsofficial to this and texted a bunch of white people. I don’t use Instagram often so I didn’t notice until this morning. He deleted my number from my profile and email.

After hacking him out, I logged him out of his Samsung phone and used 2fa😂 fun