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Alcohol policy modeller in @sarg_scharr @sheffielduni | Health inequalities | COVID-19 | Data visualisation | RStats | Cake | Cycling | Pedantry | Birds

Jan 7, 2022, 8 tweets

Good news: COVID admissions now starting to fall in London (and maybe, *maybe*, plateau a little elsewhere)

Bad news: the number of patients with COVID in hospitals is still rising rapidly everywhere though

Good news: but there has been relatively little change in the number of patients in Mechanically Ventilated beds, suggesting fewer severe patients

More good news: the number of people in hospital in England with COVID is still well below last winter's levels

Bad news: but there are far fewer spare beds than there were last winter and not many to be found *anywhere* in the NHS.

More bad news: the number of NHS staff not in work because of COVID is rising rapidly.

So, you know, a mixed bag. Choose your perspective accordingly.

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