Deny Fear Profile picture
πŸ“· Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Jan 7, 2022, 14 tweets

Happy birthday Robert Longo πŸŽ‚
πŸ“· Michel Delsol, 1986
"America, meet your modern masters."
In a 1987 Esquire story Lynn Hirschberg introduced "The Four Brushmen of the Apocalypse,” Eric Fischl, David Salle, Julian Schnabel & Robert Longo.…

Robert Longo's studio. Big ideas, big projects.

Robert Longo
Daddy's Caddy, 2010
charcoal on mounted paper

Robert Longo
Daddy's Caddy, 2009
charcoal on mounted paper

Robert Longo
St. Louis Rams, Hands Up, 2016
charcoal on mounted paper
From The Destroyer Cycle

Robert Longo
Ferguson Police, August 13, 2014
charcoal on mounted paper
From The Destroyer Cycle

Robert Longo
Refugees at Mediterranean Sea, Sub-Saharan Migrants, July 25, 2017
charcoal on mounted paper
From The Destroyer Cycle

Robert Longo in his studio, in front of his drawing β€œUntitled (Shipwreck, Redux)”
πŸ“· Robert Longo Studio, 2016

The punk band Menthol Wars performing at Tier 3 in New York: Richard Prince, Joe Hannan, David Linton, Robert Longo & Jeffrey Glenn.
πŸ“· Paula Court, 1980
Even Lower Manhattan:

Robert Longo on the set of his only feature film: Johnny Mnemonic. I love this movie!
πŸ“· Takashi Seida, 1995

Director Robert Longo & writer William Gibson @GreatDismal - Johnny Mnemonic, 1995
πŸ“· Takashi Seida

Also in the cast of Johnny Mnemonic: Henry Rollins. Oh, & this guy.
πŸ“· Takashi Seida, 1995
I remember seeing this movie with Dix, at the Princess Theatre in Edmonton.

Robert Longo
Untitled (Bullet Hole in Window, January 7, 2015), 2015-16

Robert Longo
Untitled (No Threat), 2018
charcoal on mounted paper

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