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Jan 8, 2022, 16 tweets

👉 Thread on Gaudeshwar Mahipal - the Pala dynasty Monarch who resisted invasion of Gaznavids & saved Varanasi (1/16)

The first half of 10th century is remembered in Indian history for Mahmud Ghaznavi's 17 invasions of India and the destruction of countless temples. These raids caused extensive damage in Indian economy, looting the wealth of many temples. (2/16)

But despite wreaking havoc in almost the whole of northern India, Mahmud was never able to destroy the Varanasi shrine, as the powerful Pala dynasty Emperor Mahipal crushed the Ghaznavid invaders in the northwestern region. (3/16)

● 1st Pala-Gaznavid War (1018-1019 AD) :-

In 1013 AD, Mahmud attacked the Hindu Shahi kingdom under Anandpala and defeated him in the Battle of Waihind, the Hind shahi capital near Peshawar.
Then in 1014 AD he captured Thaneswar & attacked Kashmir in 1015 AD. (4/16)

In 1018, he attacked Mathura and defeated the coalition of rulers. The mighty Gajanvi forces under direction of Sultan Mahmud destroyed the grand Krishna temples of Mathura and Kannauj. (5/16)

Gaudeshwar Mahipal marched to Kashi with a huge Gaudiya army to protect the sanctity of Varanasi Dham. Samrat Mahipal defeated Mahmud Ghaznavi in a devastating battle. As a result, Gajanvi's tyranny was confined to Kanauj, and his destruction was not happened in Varanasi. (6/16)

● Established 100 Temples :-

After expelling Ghaznavids, Mahipal re-established Dharma by constructing 100 temples at Varanasi. Sarnath inscription mentions, Gaudādhipa Samrāṭa Mahīpāla established hundred temples of Īśhāna-Chitraghanṭā (Śhiva-Śhakti) at Varanasi. (7/16)

"वाराणसीसरस्यां गुरव श्रीबामराशिपादाब्जं ।
आराध्य नमितभूपति-शिरोरुहै: शैवलाधीसं ।।
ईशानचित्रघण्टादिकीर्तिरत्नशतानी यौ ।
गौड़ाधिपो महीपाल: काश्यां श्रीमानकार्येत ।।"

- Saranatha inscription of Gaudeshwar Mahipal. (8/16)

● Pala- Chola War (1019 AD) :-

In such hard times when King Mahipal was busy fighting the Gaznavids, Rajendra Chola l of Chola dynasty started invasion towards Bengal. In 1019 CE, Rajendra's forces marched through Kalinga towards the river Ganga. (9/16)

Cholas were also a mighty Hindu power, but instead of resisting Gaznavid invaders, they attacked Hindu kingdoms of east & entered Rāṛhadēśha. In such situation Baṅgādhipa Rājā Gōvinda Chandra resisted Cholas at his best destroying Chola warships with Baṅghāl-Ḍiṅghi boats.(10

Getting the news of Chola raid on Rarh, Maharaj Mahipal hurried back to Gauda and stopped the Cholas on the banks of the Ganges. Recognizing the power and strength of Mahipala, the Chola king did not dare to cross the Ganges and fled from Takkanalāṛama immediately. (11/16)

● 2nd Pala- Gaznavid War :-

According to the Persian chronicles "Tārikha-i-Bā'yhāqī" (تاریخ بیهقی) Mahmud's son Masud Ghaznavi and ruler of Lahore Ahmed Nialtigin attacked and looted Kashi in 1033 AD. The Gajnavids after the second prayer of noon, started looting Kashi.(12/16)

In afternoon, the Gaudiya army entered Kashi and crushed down the Ghaznavid looters. Masud was engaged in conversation with Sarfu-l Mulk when Gopal, son of Mahipal charged him and aiming with his mace at his head, wounded him on the nose, struck out two of his teeth. (13/16)

Gajanvi was forced to flee from Kashi by immense attack of Gaudiya army. For the reason of protecting Kashi Dham from Mohammedans, Samrat Mahipala was felicitated with honour in all over Bhāratavarṣha. (14/16)

Āryakṣhēmīśhwara in his
"Chaṇḍakauśhika" (চণ্ডকৌশিক/चण्डकौशिक) nāṭaka compared Gaudadhip Mahipal as "Chandragupta- swarupa" (চন্দ্রগুপ্ত-স্বরূপ/चन्द्रगुप्त-स्वरूप). (15/16)

● Sources :

1) Muhammadan Historians of India Vol ll, Henry Miers Elliot, pp- 531-532

2) Tarikh-i-Bayhaqi, Abul-Fazl Bayhaqi.

3) Banger Jatiya Itihash, Nagendra Nath Basu, pp- 160- 161


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