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est. 2014 by local parents who know public schools are the backbone of society. We dislike extremists. Now a PAC to support local #publiced candidates. 📚✏️🎓

Jan 8, 2022, 9 tweets

Almost 1,400 (!) ppl have added their names to denounce the Moms for Liberty anti-diversity fundraiser.

🧵on why everyone must publicly speak out against these extremists who do NOT represent our community ideals.


Most importantly, @BerniceKing of @TheKingCenter has said they're misusing her father, Dr. King, to make money. Honestly that alone should have our local leaders publicly making statements honoring their wishes, and saying our community does not support this event.

Secondly, the founder and spokesperson of M4L has been actively, openly, and publicly seeking media attention for their efforts to get "CRT" books out of the elementary classrooms - including, as we all know by now, one on MLK, Jr. and Ruby Bridges.

To classify that as anything but attempting to whitewash history for our children is impossible, although some are twisting themselves into knots trying to do so.

When your group makes statements like this about addressing the factually-proven reality that children of color are treated differently in our schools, you do not represent our community who believes it's not an acceptable reality in 2022.

When you have to make repeated statements about how your words and actions are being misinterpreted, most people would take a step back and take a hard look at what they're doing. But not here - they always just double down.

When you allow and encourage accusations that our schools are indoctrinating children - that *teachers* are somehow in on this plan to brainwash kids - you do not represent the ideals of our community.

When you continuously invoke the late Dr. King's name for your work in banning children from learning about his life, saying it's not "age appropriate" and makes your children feel bad about themselves, everyone sees through it.

While we could keep on going with this for days, it all comes back to this: Disrespecting what the caretaker of her family's legacy asks is flat out wrong. Saying MLK, Jr. is "CRT" and then invoking his image to raise money is shameful.

Get his name out of your mouths.

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