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Jan 8, 2022, 10 tweets

Top 10 trends of 2022 | Birth rates falling as #Covid19 spreads; India's birth rates below global average for the first time

Watch Dr Prannoy Roy in conversation with Ruchir Sharma: ndtv.com/live

Top 10 trends of 2022 | China's contribution to global growth is falling, its debt is mounting faster than developing countries


Top 10 trends of 2022 | Global debt spiked during the #Covid19 pandemic; India's debt is high when compared with similar economies


Top 10 trends of 2022 | Government stimulus set to decline this year; tech advances can still restrain prices


Top 10 trends of 2022 | 'Greenflation': Green Politics = Reducing Oil Supply

Demand for "green" metals is rising and India is vulnerable to 'greenflation'

Top 10 trends of 2022 | Work From Home: More hours, less output during the pandemic


Top 10 trends of 2022 | 'Data Localisation': World's 5 Most Aggressive Data Regulators


Top 10 trends of 2022 | 'Identifying Bubblets': Bubblets fall 70% in 2-3 years, historically

Cryptocurrencies, clean energy stocks are some candidates


Top 10 trends of 2022 | Rise in small investors: a new global phenomenon


Top 10 trends of 2022 | Metaverse: Rising hype for the virtual economy

While investment in the "new economy" overtakes "old economy" for the 1st time, demand for the "old economy" is still high and rising.


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