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Founder of @pear_protocol 🍐 Host of The Crypto Narratives Podcast 🎙 10+ yrs on the trading floor 📈

Jan 8, 2022, 8 tweets


In line with the 'Our strategy for a bear market' article, we have entered some new strategies, and have also utilised Arbitrum and Solana.

TL;DR - added more stablecoins and some delta-neutral positions.

full positions in thread below...

1. Sold 20E worth of covered calls on $AVAX using an automated options strategy using ribbon.finance. Yielding 42.51% APY

2. Added 15 ETH to the MIM/UST/USDC 3poolv2 on liquiddriver.finance yielding 22% APR and harvesting $LQDR

3. Bridged $25k to Solana and running an automated call option selling strategy on $FTT using friktion.fi (fully covered calls). Algorithmic strike and expiry selection. Autocompounds. 84.4% APY

4. Bridged a further $25k to Solana and entered delta-neutral leveraged farming on ATLAS/USDC with offsetting borrow on ATLAS against borrowed USDC. Should net at least 198% APY with little/no market exposure.

5. Bridged 5E to Arbitrum and bought $DPX. Staked on dopex.io at 14.62% APY. Will likely withdraw and enter ETH SSOV's at the next epoch (+63.05% APY).

So that leaves us with more stablecoins, more market neutral positioning and added a little bit at these prices to improve our average entry into a few medium risk plays.

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