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Writer and editor for the World Socialist Web Site. We fight to end war & inequality by ending capitalism. Demonstrate in DC July 24:

Jan 8, 2022, 5 tweets


BREAKING: White House Plans "Extreme" Rebrand for Nation's COVID Response

Acknowledging the failure of its "COVID is mild" marketing campaign, the White House said Friday it is launching a new messaging to inform the public that #COVID19 is a "f---ing rush."


"We're going from mild to wild," said CDC director Rochelle Walensky.

The White House said it is brining in a "dream team" of experts including rapper Travis Scott, Former CrossFit CEO Gregg Glassman, and Youtuber WhistlinDiesel to lead the nation's COVID response. 2/

"Young people don't want to die from something 'mild,'" said White House COVID coordinator Jeff Zients. "Polls clearly show Gen Z favors 'hot and spicy' branding for respiratory pathogens.

"If young people are going to die, they want it to be worth it," Zients said.3/

Zients praised Glassman's ability to "get people to pay hundreds of dollars per month to gasp for air on the floor of some filthy warehouse."

"We need that for hospitals," Zients said.
"He's like 300 pounds and people still take his fitness advice. He's a genius."4/

Most controversially of all, the new "dream team" includes rapper Travis Scott, who performed for nearly an hour as hundreds of fans suffered compressive asphyxiation, leading to 10 deaths.
"You've got to admire his tenacity," Zients said."America is 'ready to rage'"5/

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