Chalis Montgomery Profile picture
Still posting from my bunker, still reading the research:

Jan 9, 2022, 8 tweets

This is a thread about my daughter, who is “unwell to begin with.” /1

These were my daughter’s first steps. @CDCDirector doesn’t think she deserved to have them. #UnwellToBeginWith /2

Here she is at 2. #UnwellToBeginWith, but so proud to be learning about our country in preschool. She’s 11 now, and tells me she doesn’t think anyone in government cares about her because she has a disability. /3

My daughter at 4, dressed as Nancy Drew for book character day. Kids this age still cannot be vaccinated, but that doesn’t seem to matter to anyone in charge. Hospitalizations for this age group at record highs. It’s a mystery how @CDCDirector sleeps at night. /4

Age 7. #UnwellToBeginWith but smart enough not to stare directly into the sun without eye protection during an eclipse. /5

Ages 6 months and 10. Don’t kids who are #UnwellToBeginWith deserve to grow, have joy, and be safe in school? /6

Age 11, holding Domino. Domino’s world isn’t complete without Gwen, her talents, and her snuggles. I agree. She may be #UnwellToBeginWith, but she is fierce, kind, a loyal friend, smart, funny, & like everyone else with a disability, a necessary part of the fabric of our lives./7

What I fear most is not the growing fascism on the right, but the open embrace of eugenics on the left.

For two years, too many folks have come to believe that those with pre-existing conditions are expendable.

Once we fully accept that premise, who else will we sacrifice? ###

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