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Prof @UCDavis #Genomics #Microbes #Microbiomes #Evolution #BirdPhotography #Type1 Past @johnshopkins @stanford @harvard @WWHS_Bethesda

Jan 9, 2022, 10 tweets

Follow up with a few pics I took on walk with @CorsIAQ at @ucdavis

First up - magnolias in bloom.

And of course a squirrel

And a yellow rumped (Audubon's I think) warbler

Robin and raven

And a hermit thrush (I so love them)

And pied billed grebe #1

And my favs for the day - pied billed grebe #2 in Putah Creek

And some ducks ...

And a few others ..

Oops left out a few good ones such as these - great blue heron and cormorant

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