Jonathan Eisen Profile picture
Professor @UCDavis studying phylogenomics of host-microbe/microbiome symbioses (from mutualistic to parasitic). Other interests: #BirdPhotography #RedSox #Type1
2 subscribers
Jul 1, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Yuck. Cold Spring Harbor Lab meeting "celebrating" 50 years of recombinant DNA is a #manel #YAMMM

With a history of issues in sexism (e.g. Watson) at CSHL this is sad. And bonus featuring Lander w/ his own history of issues as session chair & panel discussion leader Years ago I routinely felt the need to critique Cold Spring Harbor meetings for their gender bias - eg see --- I had thought they had gotten better in response to critiques but clearly…
Jun 30, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
OK here you go @MicrobialFuture

900+ pics of Ridgeway rails compressed into 15 seconds.

1st had to align / crop the pics to smooth this out
Also seen on the same walk with @MicrobialFuture

The tern and the fish.
Jul 28, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Thank you @sacbee for this critically important editorial:

Masking in public should be mandatory, even if California officials refuse to take action…

Attention @Chancellor_May @ucdavis - it is time for UC Davis to do the right thing I agree:

"While deaths and hospitalizations are lower thanks to the availability of vaccines and treatments, we invite new risks by ignoring what we have learned after two-plus years and 1 million deaths."

Read more at:…
Jul 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Looking for studies on impact of masks and vaccination on COVID transmission in classrooms.

I found this discussion of a recent paper - wondering if people have other pointers out there or comments on this study - thanks:… I also found this article which just came out a few days ago…
Apr 27, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Thank you to the people speaking up against this horrible comment from Kipnis saying that if you critique an institution (like his) after you leave, you are disgusting. Such a bad take. eg see response from @zjayres
Apr 25, 2022 43 tweets 11 min read
Going to try to live Tweet this talk at @ucdavis by Frazier Benya on "Sexual Harassment: Where it Thrives and How to Prevent and Address it Within Higher Education" Right now @ProvostCroughan and @RaquelEAldana are introducing Dr. Benya Image
Mar 22, 2022 28 tweets 7 min read
Well, in case you missed it. Two weeks ago I posted about the disastrous and dangerous and incompetent new University of California pharmacy benefits "system" which warned me, two months after the fact, that they were cutting off coverage of my insulin 1/n This was, well, quite stressful and really poorly handled by UC. And the pharmacy benefits provider they had switched to - Navitus - was a true and epic disaster in many ways. 2/n
Mar 21, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Posting some information about #COVID19 and #type1 #diabetes that might be useful to folks…

"Your Guide to Post-COVID Travel with Type 1 Diabetes" "As masks come off, vulnerable Americans feel left behind"…
Mar 7, 2022 20 tweets 6 min read
Dear @UofCalifornia @ucdavis

This is NOT OK.

I just got a notice by letter in mail that my insurance will no longer cover the insulin I have been getting "as of January 1, 2022". Letter was dated in February and was received after March 1, 2022.

This is NOT OK. Although I do have a grace period to get the insulin at my old price until March 31, 2022. It would have been nice to have been told about this before 3/1.

This is NOT OK either.
Jan 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Panorama of #Sacramento and the #Sierra from #YoloBypass earlier today And a Zoomed in one
Jan 20, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
New Newsweek article by @NedPotter_ and @fredguterl on #COVID "The Forever Virus: What Science Says About the Future of COVID" w/ comments by me and others… 1/n As I am quoted in the article, I disagree with those (e.g., Ewald) who claim that #SarsCOV2 is attenuating before our very eyes and also that that is something we expect to happen. 2/n Not all scientists agree. Eisen points out that, when it com"The virus is not evolving generally to being less dead
Jan 11, 2022 33 tweets 18 min read
1. Last week I had two doctor's appointments in Sacramento in the AM. And then a 2 hour Zoom from 10-12. I decided it would be nice to do the Zoom while in some scenic spot & I remembered I had seen reported of a pretty rare bird at the Nimbus Fish Hatchery close to where I was 2. I don't normally chase reported birds - just not my thing really - but I had to find somewhere to go and I do read some of the rare bird reports so I headed off to So after my second appointment I zipped on over to the Nimbus Fish Hatchery.…
Jan 9, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
Follow up with a few pics I took on walk with @CorsIAQ at @ucdavis

First up - magnolias in bloom. ImageImage And of course a squirrel Image
Jan 6, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
If you are citing something written by Monica Gandhi on COVID please read this and other threads pointing out just how many times she has been wrong wrong wrong and wrong. And see
Jan 5, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
I am dismayed by the people, including leaders, who are treating #Omicron as "mild" & therefore not a big deal ignoring the unvaccinated & unboosted, long covid, at risk groups and that it is not "mild" for everyone, just on average has less severe effects to the vaccinated See for example this thread from @IanRicksecker for some more details
Dec 27, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
When I was a senior at @harvard in 1990 I started an "Environmental Issues" journal as part of activities leading to the 20th anniversary of Earth Day. I hoped to get EO Wilson to be our faculty sponsor. I phoned his office and arranged a meeting with him via his assistant 1/n I figured, with a prof. like him this would be a very brief meeting. But instead I got to his office, and there was Wilson, and he was so excited about something. He had a new book out on Ants he wanted to show me. And we looked it over for like an hour. 2/n
Dec 27, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
I went out early this am to go for a walk at #yolobypass ..

It was quite chilly but very nice Best part - saw a short eared owl - not from close so pics not great but still very cool - my 1st this year…
Dec 25, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
The goats of a Christmas, passed And yes, I did just go out for a drive around #DavisCA looking for goats in order to make this joke ...
Dec 18, 2021 30 tweets 10 min read
Well, from what I can tell, most people, institutions & officials in the USA are in denial regarding the oncoming tidal wave of Omicron infections that are (1) already happening & (2) will soon massively increase. Come on everyone - we need to slow this down. 1. Limit indoor gatherings.
2. Especially stop maskless indoor activities. JFC people.
3. If you have to be indoors w/ people outside your household: ventilate, filter, mask.
4. Boost
5. Test early and often.
6. Quarantine w/ any hints of exposure / symptoms.
Dec 16, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Just donated to @inaturalist. Incredibly grateful to the people behind it and the people who participate in it. It is an incredible community and also has helped me have something positive to focus on every day during the pandemic.… I made the donation in memory of my father Howard Eisen & wrote

"I am incredibly grateful to the people who run iNaturalist and the people who contribute to it. iNaturalist has become a way of life for me. I have posted observations for every day for the last ~ two years." 1/2  I am incredibly grateful to the people who run iNaturalist
Dec 15, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Need a #Nature break? Well, yesterday we had a reprieve from the rain I zipped on up to Sacramento Wildlife Refuge for a brief outing. Here are some of the better pics:… As the cover photo shows, got some nice sightings of bald eagles there including a few in flight and a few sitting forever ... I particularly like the ones of one soaring over the hills such as this (even though a bit further away)…