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Journalist | Donald Trump's nemesis. 📢 Forward this thread to Jack Smith and state prosecutors: 🧵

Jan 9, 2022, 13 tweets

Jan 6th 2021, as the attack on the Capitol was ongoing, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy gave a nearly 12 minute long interview to CBS.

He gives details about his talks with Trump and said he spoke with other people from the White House as well to try and stop the attack.

The interview in its entirety can be watched here:…

If the Twitter video player does not work, click the video to Facebook to watch on there.

"This has to stop and this has to stop now!" Kevin McCarthy says.

He has spoken to the President and asked him to talk to the nation and tell them to stop this.

The CBS host says: "You said you spoke with the president. What did the president say he would do?"

Kevin McCarthy: "I know he had put a tweet out there.. I told him he needs to talk to the nation."

He makes no mention Trump would do anything.

McCarthy gets emotional.

Filled with emotion, McCarthy says: "Everybody in this nation has go to take a deep breath and understand we are all American.

We can disagree but WE DO NOT DO THIS! This is NOT who we are!"

"Who do you think bears responsibility for this for inciting this mob?" The SBC host asks.

McCarthy: "[..] Anyone who has encouraged this. [..]

This is not where we go. This is not the best of who we are. I'm appalled by [..]"

"And you think that it was just organic; that this protest just happend on its own?" The SBC host asks.

Kevin McCarthy: "No.. no..."

"The president invited 10s of thousands of people to quote unquote stop the steal [..] I just wonder if someone is gonna call a spade a spade." The SBC host says.

Kevin McCarthy: "I was very clear with the president when I called him. This has to stop."

"I just wonder are there are members of the leadership headed to the White House to try and move this process forward? We are that point leader McCarthy" the SBC host says.

Kevin McCarthy: "I'm meeting with the other leaders; I'm talking to the president."

"The president of the USA has a briefing room steps from the Oval Office. The cameras are hot 24/7 as you know. Why hasn't he walked down & said that? Now?" the host says.

McCarthy: "I conveyed to the president what I think is best to do & I'm hopeful the president will do it."

🔥🔥 "And have you spoken with his chief of staff?" the CBS host asks.

Kevin McCarthy: "I've spoken to the president, I've spoken to other people in there and to the White House as well."

@hugolowell @jennycohn1 @visionsurreal @jimstewartson

Of course we knew he spoke to the president. In these clips Kevin McCarthy gives more detailed information about what he said to the president.

More importantly, he also called with others in the White House. Multiple people.

🔥 Who exactly did he speak with?

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