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Jan 9, 2022, 11 tweets

@Kevin_Maguire Jacob Rees-Mogg put his LG Antenna fund's cash in Zander Grp. Top donor Shetler-Jones (aka Putin protege Dmytro Firtash). Tchenguiz bros and Firtash move funds to invest in SCL (Cambridge Analytica) - Firtash employs Zander CEO, Tories work for Zander (Lord Risby)

Here's Risby confessing he worked for Firtash to the WSJ December 2013

Here's Mogg running the fund that invests in Firtash/Zander

Here's Kyiv Post on Firtash's boy Shelter Jones

LG Antenna Fund (Rees Mogg) Vantania Holdings (Tchenguis Bros) also includes Sir Anthony Bamford (JCB) Spadi Trading (Firtash)

Langbar Corp (convicted Brazilian bank fraud) -also a director of Zander - here's the Tchenguiz link to SCL Group

Run by Rees-Mogg

Mogg makes sure all companies they invest in are visited as policy and they build relationships with board (Mogg employs Earl Asquith's son) Asquith's brother briefly works for Firtash and Earl Asquith still does - Firtash is sanctioned by Ukraine NOW for colluding with Moscow

Q Mogg did this before at Lloyd George Asset Mgt - his team had an East of Urals fund called Siberian Investment Fund - he has had a habit of backing Moscow over and over again

Mogg been investing in Russian companies since the 90s…

His Somerset Asset Management cofounders were also with him at Lloyd George and they were busy pouring cash into companies east of the Ural mountains ) guaranteeing the LG way of visiting all these Putin favourite companies

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