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Jan 9, 2022, 8 tweets

. @HertsPolice tell @MailOnline that Specials have more discretion over uniform standards than regular police.

It's not what their handbook says

The Handbook says that in training student officers sign a contract including standards of behaviour and dress

Being appropriately equiped for duty is an officer's responsibility

- Uniform standards are the same for Specials as regular officers
- You need to adhere to what is an acceptable standard
- Supervisory officers are responsible for checking

It is very clear on jewellery, make up and nail polish.

NB: it doesn't say no make up, it says discrete

Glittery green & red nails is not discrete

Standards are not just about health and safety but conveying professionalism and integrity

Particularly for recruitment events

Herts police in their recruitment publicity showed an officer breaching these standards, on two separate occasions.

When people complained on Twitter the police threatened to report them.

My complaint got this response (from the Corporate Communications Team!)

Officers are encouraged to follow the uniform policy
...but it may not reflect modern culture
... Officers are given supportive advice over breaches of uniform
... In this instance we are very comfortable

So Herts police only "encourage" officers to follow rules 🤔

And when they breach them they threaten the public who complain 😡

And say they feel "very comfortable" with officers not following rules 🤯

What other rules are officers allowed to break @HertsPolice ?

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